chapter 3

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we walk over and I see Daniel in the crowd of people were heading towards, we start talking to them as, Daniel and I look at each other 

"fancy seeing you here" i said as his smile painted on my face too

"I watched you in the ring, I don't know much about horses but compared to the others you looked way better than them" he said as he moved closer

"thank you, i'v got my first class this evening at 10pm" I said as I check my phone for the time

"oo exciting, ill watch you" he said as I gave him a warm smile

"are you sure that won't be your bedtime?" I said laughing as I gave him puppy eyes

"haha your very funny" he replied pretending to not laugh


its 9pm and I was walking down to the stables in my white breeches and my show jacket, shitting myself, as someone taps me on the shoulder, I jumped as I turned around, thankfully it was Daniel.

"jeez I can tell your nervous but good luck, you'll smash it" he said as he hugs me

"u-uh yeah thanks" I stuttered as I smile

I was waiting to go in, Geneva was feeling on fire, I was ready. this wasn't my biggest class of the week this was just the 1.45 speed class, I had people like Joe stockdale, holly smith and jack Whitaker in it on there youngsters.

"okay your up, good luck" Nick said to me as he looked up at me"

I walk in and familiarise myself with the course again and step him backwards to make him think about his legs and use his mind, It was dark but the lights shone down on the crowd and the arena. the bell went, it was game on, I was last to go so this could be a win..

this is sort of what I imagine her round to be like at the end, maybe a little less dramatic as it wasn't such a big class aha.

I did it, I won i was full of joy as I galloped around the ring flapping my hands in the air as everyone cheered for me and the commentator screamed 'FLORENCE CLARKE HAS GOT THE VICTORY', as I finally slowed down and came out the ring I saw Olivia and Bella who came running up to me as I got off to hug me, I was so relieved I had just won my first class here in Monaco, things were looking bright. I was in the perfect mood to party after this


as I walked around the back after finishing interviews I saw Daniel and I looked at him and smiled

"I knew you could do it" he said as he hugged me, hyping me up

"thank you, although you have got your qualifying race tomorrow" I said as I nudged his arm and smirked

"yep, its looking good, ill be fine, im looking for a p6 and below" 

"well good luck and ill be there watching" I said as I grinned 

he chuckled and smiled as his PT called him over 

"see you later at the party?" he said pointing his finger at me

"see you there" I replied as I grinned

the next day *day of Daniels race and a few classes for flo*

it was early in the morning I had my class and then around lunchtime it was Daniels race and then I had 2 classes after that, they try not to race the cars and jump horses at the same time as its quite noisy and its unfair on the horses.

I had the 1.30 Grand Prix on glory, 1.40 championship speed class and the 1.60 longines world championship tour first round (one of 3 world championships I had qualified for this week) on star. I was confident for today, I had a good feeling about it and an even better feeling about Daniel

Daniels pov:

as I was running the track ready for my race I couldn't get my mind of Flo, I mean her eyes, her talent, her body, her hair and she's so funny. I think I actually like her..

but anyways I can't get distracted, not right now anyways!

It was later on in the day now and I was getting all suited up for my race as I saw a brunette tall ish girl come walking over to me with 2 other blondes, I squint my eyes against the sun to realise it was Florence, she looked gorgeous, a perfect tan, her long brunette hair waving in the brisk breeze and her smile reflected onto mine.

"hey" she said as she ran over to me hugging me whilst smiling 

"hey how was your class this morning?" I said as I looked deeply into her eyes

"ah not too good, 2 jumps down but I think glory was feeling the weather a little too much" she said whilst looking into the sunshine laughing, how could she be this positive, she's just so good to be around, she knew exactly when to be serious but she also knew exactly when to have a laugh.

"well done, it is hot here I guess" I said smiling as I shrugged sarcastically 

"oh shush your an Aussie, its probably cold here for you" she said as she punched my arm lightly 

I laughed as I heard one of my engineers calling me to get in the car

"ill see you later, good luck" she said as she stared deeply into my eyes

"thanks" I said as I walked over to my car

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