chapter 15

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it was the first day of Abu Dhabi and Im super excited, I left my hotel room and went into the next room beside mine which Olivia was staying in

"yo wassup, I bet your excited" Olivia exclaimed as she got all her stuff together and we both walked out to go down to the stables

"yeah im really excited, bummed that dan isn't here tho" I said as my smile dropped

"oh honey there will be plenty of times where you can see eachother, just focus today" Olivia said

"I can always count on you to make me feel better" I began to say sarcastically 

my first ride was on Geneva and I felt super confident, he had been jumping fantastic at home so I knew we could do it. 

as I was about to go in I handed my phone our of my pocket to Olivia who was standing beside me in the tunnel that lead to the ring, as I handed it to her I had a text from Daniel.

good luck flo, im watching you ❤️x

I smiled as they called me name and I cantered in, I was going to win this, I had too.

Florence clarke riding Geneva belle I. this pair have had a great start to the season with 2 podiums in Monaco and a few wins last year in the nations cup. I wish them the best of luck. the bell went and it was go time

Daniels pov

as I sat and watched her jumped the commentator for the tv screened people started to talk

'Florence really is one to watch this season, she is so incredible talented at such a young age  and she is so kind to be around too, I know a lot of people look up too her, she's an idol to many'

'yes that's so right Chris I mean this young horse as well relies on her alot over these humongous fences too so it makes it even harder on her'

'she is an inspiration to the sport and I hope to see her go far'

I smiled as the commentator praised her over the microphones, as she finished her round, being the only clear she punched the air and praised her horse. the camera zoomed in on her delighted face. I smiled as I watched my girlfriends wishes come true.


flos pov

an incoming call from Daniel, I smiled as I pressed answer 

"ahhhh well donee, I knew you could do it" I heard from down the phone

"thank you, I miss you" I said as my facial expression dropped into a frown

"I miss you too baby, I have to go but stay safe" he answered as he hung up the phone

he didnt normally do that, he almost hung up in a rush but I know he trusts me and I trust him



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florence.clarke: so much love for sammy❤️ winner winner

Bella.orchid: such an incredible round flo ⚡️

ellen.whitaker: well deserved win☺️💕

Sienna.charles: amazing flo! your getting better than me 😂 xx

↪️never 😂

Daniel.Ricciardo: so proud of you❤️

↪️miss you lots xx

↪️danfan101: WAIT ARE THEY A THING ?!!!


as I look at my emails I see two recent ones, one from longines and the other from the national showjumping board. 

Longines: Dear Florence, we wish to inform you that the longines global championship tour board would love to invite you to the Miami global championship tour to compete on Geneva I in the individuals and Sam for team USA. We are aware of the result you brought to team USA last year in Monaco, but from recent results we have faith that you can be a strong member of Team USA on sam. Please let us know if you can attend Miami 2022 February 21st.

thank you

Longines Team

As I message back being delighted to have been given another chance at a tour and for team USA I accept the invitation. I then look at the national showjumping boards email.

National Showjumping Board: Dear all riders who this will affect, from recent changes in Monaco 2021 sharing the same city and date of the Formula One Grand Prix and combining tickets and financial outcomes we are delighted to have partnered with them for Miami 2022 this year! Formula One have rearranged a few dates to have the races the same date as our championship. If you have any inquiries about this please let one of our members of our board know. Until further notice Miami and Las Vegas are the only competitions that are joined. 

Thank You

The National Showjumping Board

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