chapter 2

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I get on sam for ring familiarisation and start to walk him to the ring as he spooks at literally everything in sight, I take out my phone and start to reply to my parents message, basically saying good luck, it was the usual message, pretty sure they copy and paste it.. 'good luck, hopefully we can come and watch next time, we miss you' its like that every time, they never come and see me. 

As I enter the ring I put my phone away and start to warm up and get him familiar with the foreign surroundings. I look over to a tent that was set up, the sign said 'DRIVERS AND RIDERS TENT ONLY' I look inside it and its full with drivers and only a few rider having drinks either talking or watching us all warm up, most of the riders were in my ring warming up, maybe Daniel is in there I think to myself

'this is not the time for distraction' I think as I lightly trot same around giving him a stretch of his long neck

It was half an hour later and sam was fully set, he was fine with everything and he was going really well, I was so excited, I could barley think straight!

"well done that was super Florence, you're totally ready for the week, you're going to smash it" Nick said as I handed him sam as I got off. Nick has always been so supportive of me about riding and he has trained me since I was 17 so we knew each other well and he understood how I coped in these situations.

I smile as the grooms lead him off, i'm left standing there with Nick talking to him about the week ahead and what's the plan. I was wearing Samshield, navy jodhpurs with my team USA polo top and my Samshield helmet still on to hid my hideous hat hair, I looked good I guess. 

"hey how about we go and get a drink at the bar and you can meet your opponents and catch up with your team" Nick said as he pulled my arm

"okay" I said smiling


we entered the tent and went straight to the bar to get a drink, I couldn't drink alcohol because of drug testing reasons and whatever so I just had a cold water, besides im on a diet and that.

I walk over to team USA,  

"omg here she is, she famous florence Clarke" one of them said

I smile and laugh "hey"

"how was sam, he looked gorgeous, we all watched you!" one of the girls said to me, I already met her ages ago her name was Joules. 

"he went amazingly today, just a bit green that's all" 

"well were gonna do great tomorrow, and even better were all going to a party tonight" Joules said laughing and doing a weird happy dance

"what party" I said as I laughed at her dance

"drivers and riders meet-up" she said holding my hand and dancing 

"wait infact, that Lando Norris is looking really good today" she said as she locks her eyes on him and walks over 

"please tell me she's drunk" I say laughing at the others

"nope this is sober Joules for you" they all laughed

"anyways, lets go meet some of them" one of the girls said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them.

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