Licorice x F! reader

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Licorice cookie was an outcast, everyone knew. In the academy of the brilliant minds, he was seen as a total failure. Other students gossipped about him, bullied him. Teachers paid no mind and even if seeing the bullying in the plain of day, only gave small reprimends.

He was so fed up with it. He deserved praise, love, adoration. Not to be treated like a mangy mut cast aside from their owner. And you, oh how he envied you. You were popular, smart, pretty. And you didn't do anything to him. No bullying, no small comments, no writing on his desk. Hell, he wasn't sure you even knew who he was.

Sometimes he'd meet your eyes for a moment in liquid time, but then you'd look away. Distractions were everywhere, and it didn't help the fact that he was a nobody and you were adored. Your friends weren't too mean, either. But they did snicker at him, and point, and probably talk about him. Still, you were kind, not that you talked to him. You would stare blankly at him whenever someone made a comment and then change the subject.

Your friends were a mixed bunch. Clover, the nicest of them, was a timid man. He had a brilliant healing talent and liked to sing. Then there was Raspberry, an expert at fencing. Finally, in the quad of friends, was Black Raisin. Of course, you, were the fourth member. You were in the same grade as the hated grey cookie, Clover and Raspberry being a year ahead. Black Raisin was three years your senior.

And so today, when the teacher announced picked pairings, Licorice felt his stomach churn. With his reputation, anyone he got would be ignoring him. And then he saw the board, your and his name set side by side. His chest unclenched, but the anger pent up immediately. You were going to be his partner for a magic project?

From Licorice's understanding, you were amazing at magic, having multiple abilities. But his hatred brewn from jealousy radiated off of him. The project was simple: devise a potion to help fungi grow. The project, however, was laced with a group that had never interacted.

When said angered cookie turned around, he was met face to face with your big eyes. You smiled slightly and stepped aside, letting him exit. The want to punch that beautiful face of yours was enormous, but he stalked away instead.

The next day, when magic class emerged, he found you sitting in the back row. At his table. Next to his seat- which was where nobody aside from a stack of books had ever sat. Your legs were crossed, head buried in a book as you scribbled down notes and flipped softly through the pages. Upon you raising your head, you smiled that soft grin again and waved the shocked cookie over.

"Hi, Licorice! Did you bring your potions textbook?" he heard your sweet voice ask quietly, tapping the book you had open. "If not, we can share." He swallowed and sat down, huffing. "What do you take me for, a blubbering idiot? And even if I forgot- Why would I want to share with you?" he asked bitterly, expecting a scowl. But when the yellow eyed cookie turned, he saw you giggle.

You blushed, covering your mouth. "Sorry!" you squeaked, giving a close eyed smile. "I just realized how high pitched your voice is!" Color rose in his cheeks as he grunted, setting his textbook down a far distance from yours. The table fell silent except for the sound of scribbles. When Licorice turned to look at you, he was surprised to see you sketching someone. More specifically, him. A small portrait, only half finished from the looks of it.

Is she going to make me look like a loser so she can laugh with her friends? Licorice asked himself internally, grumbling under his breath. After what seemed like forever, he jumped as your voice graced his ears. "Licorice, do you like wearing kimonos for their style or their breeziness?" You asked softly, not looking up.

"Why do you care?" he asked, annoyance thick in his voice. "Because I heard it's your birthday soon," you admitted sheepishly, smiling. "It was supposed to be a surprise secret gift, so, surprise," you did jazz hands, giggling.

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