Aishite, Aishite, Aishite

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Yandere! Red Velvet x M! reader x Vampire


Your eyes watered as you heard the chains on your wrists bounce against the wall. It'd been a month in Hell with Red Velvet. He'd been nothing but sexual with you, eyes wide and mouth drooling every time he came down to your makeshift room. Thankfully, his friend, Dark Choco, took some pity on you.

He'd let you cry into his arms after every time, hushing you. He knew how it felt to be torn mentally in half. And though he couldn't save you, for that wokld turn his fellow evil teammate against him, he could help you somewhat.

Tonight felt odd though. The crew had left on some mission, leaving you down in the dungeon. No sexual assault. No crying. No rubbing your skin raw. No deranged Red Velvet. Oh, how foolish you'd been to think he'd change. Not even a night in your home and he had knocked you out and stolen you.

Now you were inside this awful palace of evil idiots. Thank God someone here was sane. Dark Choco; the small light in the unforgiving darkness. A sudden crash made you jump, eyes widening as the door to the cellar opened.

A man with long red hair appeared, pupils dilated as he caught sight of you. Vampire? Vampire! You called his name, running towards the bars as your chains rattled. He ran forward, hand clutching yours as he grunted. "Y/N. We came to save you. We have to hurry; is this thing magic protected?"

You shook your head, a sigh of relief flooding out of his mouth. "Okay, stand back." You moved away from the cell door, his vampirism bite loading up and suddenly smashing the door off it's hinges. You nearly cried when he ran over, giving you a quick hug and then snapping off your chains.

"Who else came?" You asked, running up the stairs with him. "Beet and Licorice." Your eyes narrowed, looking at him oddly as you flashed through the hallways. "He was working double agent. He set up your escape. Dark Enchantress thinks he's stuck at a road block right now." You nodded, stopping at the main hall as Beet and Licorice entered the scene.

"We have to go now! Red Velvet is in the courtyard!" Beet screamed, loading their bow as Licorice stalled, looking out the window. "I'll distract him. You guys go," he stated, suddenly hurrying outside. "Can you summon your dragon?"

You whimpered, dropping to the floor. Vampire bit his lip and sighed, Gripping your magic-filled hands. "I'll set up a teleport field. Beet, watch our backs." The young archer nodded and stood in front of you as Vampire began doing his thing.

Luckily, there were no interuptions and the field set up. You jumped through, cringing as you landed on your back hard. A wooden floor met you, your eyes widening as you realized you were in your own home. Vampire and Beet fell next to you as the portal closed. "Okay, that's..." You couldn't say a word, disbelief heavy in your brain. Tonight was too much to handle.


Vampire found you still awake in your bed at three in the morning. He wrapped his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder as you shivered and watched the night sky. It was silent, save the breeze outside. He nuzzled your neck, eyes darkening when you flinched. Only now were the dark blue hickeys noticeable.

"Who... Did that?" He whispered in your ear. "It... Doesnt.... Matter," you muttered, grunting when your friend grazed his tongue around the bruises. "It does to me. I should be the only one making marks on you."

Your blush spread down to the tip of your cock as you shuddered, one of his hands lowering to your midriff. "Mmm, can I have a reward for being so brave tonight?"

You nodded frantically, back arching as his fangs slid deep into the skin of your shoulder. They pulled out quickly, his tongue lapping at your blood as you whined. Even as fucked up as your relationship with your working partner was, Red Velvet was still far worse. You didn't want to ever relive his fantasies; even if it meant repaying your friend with some red juice every now and then.

"Delicious, dear," he muttered, nuzzling into your neck. You let out a hum, slinking into his embrace as his hand kept lowering. "Please," you whispered, turning your head away as he rubbed just over your half hard cock.

He chuckled and kissed your cheek, removing his hand. "It's okay, I understand. Will you please tell me who did this?" His hand suddenly traced upward to the bite in the center of your Stomach. You groaned when he pressed down on it, shaking your head. "Please- stop- stop!" He removed himself, hugging you tightly. "Okay. Okay, darling. I'll stop."


It was not a fun night for anyone in Red Velvet's path. When he saw your absence, he started to trash everything. Including Licorice's servants, who ran every time they heard his screeches.

"Where is he?! Where is he?! WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE!?"

He couldn't live. Breathe. Exist without you. And so he vowed to find you. No matter what. Since he'd seen you, you'd become his. Whether you liked it or not.

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