🍋Accepted [Dark Choco x Trans!M!reader]

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To say you loved serving as an assassin for King Dark Cacao would be an understatement. You adored the rush of fear flowing from the target's eyes, their blood spilling to the floor, the choked cries leaving their dying mouth. Everything about it was naturally amazing.

That being said, you also knew the prince, Dark Choco. You had fenced and sparred together plenty of times, but neither of you were on speaking terms. Perhaps that's why your confusion was so evident when Cacao asked you to be his son's main bodyguard.

You did as asked still, following the looming man in silence. He would look back at you a lot, your quiet and thin form balancing a warm yet unapproachable presence. He noticed your left hand was always placed on the hilt of your fencing sword, your mage gem always on your neck.

Over time, the prince fell harder and harder for his silent knight. He loved the way you brushed his hair when asked to, no refusal on your part. Your form, always straight and perfectly stanced nearby, was drop dead gorgeous in his eyes. You served him whatever he asked for, did whatever he commanded, and not once spoke back.

His ears itched to hear your voice, to see your eyes have something other than a cold gaze. They always seemed so distant. As if you were re-enacting Illumi from HxH in some way. He also noticed how despite your lack of talking, whenever your family was mentioned, you seemed to flinch slightly. When they appeared at the palace, you were nowhere to be seen.

Dark Choco learned why as of today. The meeting he had just left had him fuming. Your family, the duke being your father, had disgraced your name in front of an entire table of nobles. They had outspoken their disagreement with your gender when his father continued to call you "he." Though confused at first, the prince quickly grasped the issue and understood.

To put it simply, you were a female at birth. A trans male. And your family was horribly homophobic. Dark Choco was positively fuming. A man such as yourself didn't deserve to be discredited for your numerous accomplishments simply because of your differences. Hell, Dark Choco himself was bisexual. Dark Cacao was omni for crying out loud!

Your lack of presence had been noticed by other nobles, too. The seat at the left of the king's throne was untouched, your rightful spot. Your bastard of a father had sneered at your absence, mocking you in hushed whispers to the other nobles surrounding him. The meeting was about state affairs, but had boiled down to nothing other than the unrightful slandering of LGBTQ+ rights.

Slamming his door closed, Dark Choco huffed and threw his armored boots across the room, shuffling out of his white armor and into a formal robe. Finally settled in bed, his eyebrows knit as he tied up his hair. Usually you'd return to his room by eleven, whether your parents were wandering the castle or not. Yet here it was, 11:23, no sign of his mute knight in sight.

Deciding to wait for a few more minutes, Dark Choco sighed, pulling his silk and linen sheets up to his chest. Perhaps you were deliberately being avoidant of him. Rumor of what had been talked about in the council room quite possibly was already spreading throughout the palace; which of no doubt consisted of your gender identity.

It was 11:40 when you finally entered, your graceful hands closing the door. You bowed in a silent ask of forgiveness, then taking post next to the door, back straight and eyes dead forward.

Dark Choco sighed again, waving you over and patting his bed. He saw the hesitation in your eyes immediately, stiffening your entire body. Groaning, he gripped you by the wrist and pushed you down onto the bed. You didn't retaliate, eyes fixed on his own. "Im sure you heard of what happened, yes?"

You silently nodded, eyes suddenly downcast. "Well, pardon my Vanilla, but fuck them! You are a man, a stunning one at that. You're incredible at everything you do and you deserve much more than even my father has given you." He watched as surprise laced your gaze, eyebrows raised completely.

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