Firefairies [ Pure Vanilla x T!F!Reader ]

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"Wake up"


"Wake up."


I hear something, but I cant tell what it is... Or what it's saying.

"Wake. Up."

Your eyes shot open, awakening your sleepy body. Your friend was shaking you, his eyes brightening when you awoke. "Hi, Nill Nill." It was your nickname for Pure Vanilla, your longtime friend. You were Dark Cacao's younger sister, your white stripe in your hair testimony to that. Not that he accepted you as so anymore. Pure Vanilla smiled and closed his eyes, shushing you. "What time is it?" You asked in a whisper, eyes adjusting quickly to the darkness.

"Around three in the morning. I wanted to show you the firefairies," he whispered. You yawned and shuddered at the cold, sitting up. "Can I go back to bed after that?" He nodded and grabbed your hand gently, pulling you out of bed. You weren't even aware he had set his silky kimono over-robe on your shoulders until you noticed his bright white kimono by itself on his body. Shivering, you followed Pure Vanilla to the garden.

A silent dripping noise echoed across the chambers of the hallway, almost a notion that every footstep could be heard too. You yawned yet again, snuggling into the cape-like overcoat, sniffling as your eyes widened. You stopped at the entryway to the garden, eyes lighting up with a tearful interest. Pure Vanilla sighed and turned to you, smile fading when he saw the tears falling from your eyes.

"There are firefairies... On the blue bells..." You whispered, pointing at the flowers on the wall. Multiple of the little glowing fairies were dancing on the beautiful flower, almost sending a wave of nostalgia over you.

Dark Cacao laughed and took his hand away from behind his back, revealing three small blue bells. You smiled and took them, tenderly rubbing the petals. "Thank you, big brother," you squeaked out with a smile.

"Don't mention it, sissy," he stated before leaning down to hug you. It was the first time anyone had openly used your correct pronouns. The first time anyone regarded you as a female. A woman. At the time, a young girl.

You only knew you were on the floor due to the sudden shock of cold on your exposed thighs. You had fallen into a sitting position, legs folded flat on the ground on either side of you. Tears streamed down your face, eyes wide in a fit of absolute shock.

Your arm was tugged on, making you turn your head. Your friend's eyes were staring down at you, worry in his gaze. "A-.... Are you okay?" he asked gently, eyebrows raising. You swallowed dryly, allowing the crystal-like tears to flow from your eyes. "I... Yes, I am. I'm... I'm sorry."

"No- it is me who should be sorry. I- I didn't know this would upset you. Here, let's head back to your room." Taking his hand, you whimpered when he lifted you into a bridal position and started carrying your shivering form back to the room.

You heart rate was faster. Your unforseen small crush wasn't helping the fact that he was so caring, sending little waves of butterflies into your chest. Pure Vanilla accepted you- acknowledged you. Unbeknown to you, his own love carried on farther than that, too.

You snuggled into your blankets when the male set you down on your bed finally, a small smile appearing on your face. You wriggled over, looking up at your close-eyed friend with puppy eyes. He didn't argue, settling in beside you. You turned over, allowing yourself to be spooned into a welcoming warmth.

Pure Vanilla's breathing was short and hot, crisply running down your neck as his arms wrapped around your waist. His soft heartbeat led you into a peaceful sleep, eyes only fluttering open when small rays of sunshine entered your room. A robin was staring down at you from your window, head perked in interest.

You waggled your fingers at it, smirking. Your ability was simple, really, you could speak to animals and control shadows. Very easy powers yet helpful all the same. You felt your friend shift by you, his arms rewrapping themselves around your waist. "Hnn- stay," he groaned. You chuckled and set your arm back down, wriggling into his chest.


"Mm?" You asked groggily, eyes shutting.

"Do you lo... Love me?"

"Yeah, you're... My best friend."

"Oh..." His whisper drifted off like a small breeze in the atmosphere.

You were on the edge of sleep when something soft pressed to your cheek. You gave a small smile, reaching down to give a reassuring squeeze to Pure Vanilla's pale hand. "I love you, more than a friend," he whispered. "I love you too."

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