Unhealthy Obsession [2]

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Dark Enchantress had been defeated but you were still locked away. You had been proclaimed dead by everyone, even your friend from the evil castle had no idea where you were. Licorice and Dark Choco realized their leader would fail eventually and hid you away. Mushroom, who had been your source of comfort, wailed every day for you. You'd been hidden and gagged in a walk-in closet underneath the castle's upper floor main hall.

When the members were defeated and restored their citizenship as 'good cookies', Licorice and Dark Choco snuck your tied up body to their new house. You'd been made your own room down in the cellar, hidden from the naked eye. People were in the house, right above you, unaware of your existence. They thought you were gone.

Almond and Walnut had been upstairs once, having tea with Licorice. You cried and slammed and kicked with all your might, but of course, nobody heard. It'd been a year now; a year of being forced to give in towards two men's sick desires. They used you like a plaything when it came to sexual needs. Licorice always apologized after if he saw ypur displeasure. He would scream and threaten to hurt himself, always sobbing into your chest until he fell asleep.

Out of the two, he was definitely more mentally unstable. Dark Choco's desire was just physical attention from you, the acknowledgement of his existence. He'd hurt you worse than Licorice before. Then immediately had a mental breakdown when he returned to his senses, slamming pots and chairs into the floor until he was calm.

Licorice, however, dear God. He would always watch you, no matter what you were doing. He'd always find a way to be around you, touch you, smell you. In all senses of the world, you were a drug, and he was the addict. You were his world.

You'd attempted escape before, but with your cursing ability only being eligible on objects, nothing proved useful. Farthest you made it was up the stairs before being dragged down by Dark Choco's far too large hands. You'd been roughly fucked that night, sexual punishments always seemed appeasing to the prince.

You weren't ever really punished by Licorice. Sure, he'd hit you or slashed you wish his long ass nails, but then he'd start yelping and hitting himself. You sighed and laid down, not wanting to think about either of your captors at the moment. You missed Milk and Yam, hell, even Twizzly. Missed Cotton's sweet giggles and her pet sheep that she would let you pet.

You didn't dare think of Almond or Walnut, nor Vampire. The three would bring tears to your eyes. Your best friends were not something that brought joy any longer. You flinched when you heard the cellar door open, praying to god the person just wanted wine or some shit. Of course, lady luck hated you, and you heard your door unlock and creak open.

You ignored the two sets of eyes staring at you, curling up into a ball as the chain and collar around your neck felt unusually tight. God, was it always so horrible in here? Yes, it was. "Y/N?" You heard Licorice whisper. Not answering, you turned away even farther. It'd been three days since you had eaten or drank.


That was Dark Choco. You didn't care though. If you couldn't leave like a civilized human, you'd leave by death. "Please," you heard a shaky whisper echo across the room as the mattress shifted. "Please, eat something. Anything!" You heard Licorice whimper when you still said nothing, his crawling towards you only angering you more.

You heard Dark Choco close and lock the door as Licorice placed a hand on your back. "Y-Y/N- I- I can cook anything you want! Anything, just, please!" his voice raised in pitch, a sob nearing the end of his tone. You grunted, pulling away from the yellow eyed freak. "Leave me alone."

A groan left his lips, followed by a high pitched whine. The mattress shifted again, Dark Choco sitting down on it. "Y,N," his gruff voice made you flinch. "I don't care what you want to eat, we'll get it. Just- stop this, alright? I know you're upset but-" his words burned an angry iron into your heart.

Upset!? You had been fucking kidnapped! Yes, you were upset! Turning around, you knew your eyes were blazing with hatred. "Upset? Pff, is that it!? Let me guess, I'm probably going to be punished for my attitude, right? It's nothing new, just fucking kill me for all I care!"

Turning away again, you shuddered at the realization of what you said. You didn't regret it though, a bitter frown on your face as your tears built up. The room was dead silent as the two captors stared at your shaking, enraged form. Suddenly something, rather- someone- hugged you from behind. "That's why you're doing this?" Licorice asked with a whimper. "You want to die?"

"Beats this place," you let your words slip out, hoping maybe they actually would kill you. "How about..." Dark Choco started with a sigh. "We let you roam around the entire house? Would that make you more happy?"


"Then what do you want?"

"To go home."

"You are home."

"This is not my home. This is prison."

Your words left a bitter imprint on both men's minds. They met each other's gazes before sighing in union. After only a minute or so more, they left, heading upstairs to brainstorm ways to save you from literally killing yourself.


This was nothing new. You were currently blindfolded, small love bites being left on your chest while a rough finger slowly slid in and out of you. Dark Choco's large hand was on your neck, holding you up as your knees supported your torso. Your arms, bent and tied behind your back, served no purpose.

Licorice was slowly stroking your cock, indulging in your neck and chest. He worshipped your body, oddly enough. The two knew they were taking advantage of your highly weak body, but sexual suppression could only be taken so far. Your gag was in, keeping your pitiful whines back in your throat. You never enjoyed their actions, everything felt dirty and wrong.

The fingers were too rough, hand on your dick was too clammy, the nips and kisses felt rushed and desperate. You only groaned in discomfort, body shaking from the feeling of shame. While Dark Choco's unusually large finger could fill you up, he always pressed you to take one or two more.

Today was different, as he let you lean down and rest on your knees and chest. You felt his cock press into your heat, your gag moving so Licorice could place his own member. Yay, a very unprepped hole was about to get damaged while a lack of oxygen nearly killed you.


You cried in pain, shaking and whimpering as a red eye stared down at you. Large welts and cuts littered your insanely thin body. All from him, too. That eye suddenly softened as he dropped the whip, eyebrows narrowed. You felt the blood seeping out in mass, vision blurring and crossing every few seconds. You body slumped against the wall as he frantically bent down to hold you still.

"Im sorry! Im- are you- God!" The deranged prince wailed in horror at his actions. His enraged state due to your 'disrespect' had been brutal. Horrible, terrorizing. You'd not eaten in a week, though water was drank once, two days ago to be exact. You'd no way of protecting yourself from the glass-filled belt.

Your vision became static at the edges as you cried again, mouth parting as you felt nauseous. Two arms lifted you and brought you to your bed just as you passed out. You only remember waking up with both of them holding your hands and crying into your sheets.


Forty nine days, no food. Licorice was on his knees currently, begging and screaming at the top of his lungs. You didn't say a word, simply staring up at the ceiling. You could hardly move, sleep being your only moments of peace. Dark Choco's eye was letting out tears too while he held your hand, not believing that the frail man he saw in front of him was you.

When they left to get more water, suddenly Licorice had an idea. Nodding, Dark Choco decided to input the plan tomorrow. That was, of course, if you were still alive by then.

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