Dark Choco x GN reader

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This is a prequel to the Yandere Red Velvet series :). Someone dmed me and asked for a more in-depth story on y'alls love. So here we go :)))


You were sitting on your swing, the gentle breeze swaying your coat from side to side. It was a peaceful, sunny afternoon. The butterflies were as prevailing as ever, fluttering around in swarms and settling into your hair. All was well until a bloody, heaving man appeared from the edge of the forest. Right at the treeline, he crumpled into a heap. You jumped up in shock, eyes wide. That poor man!

Running over, you near gasped when you saw the claw marks everywhere. His armor was pretty much no good, more than half of it torn away. Trying to lift up the semiconscious man, you struggled to even lift his torso. Heaving, you gently set him back down, shushing him when he parted his lips. "I'll be right back, okay? Just- stay there!"

You ran back to your house, your cousin and his friend were in the living room. "Clover, Parfait, I need your help!" You frantically yelled. Slamming open a cupboard, you grabbed your medical tools and pulled them onto the counter. Both of them appeared in the hallway, visibly concerned and confused. "What's up?" Parfait asked, eyes wide.

"There's an injured guy near the forest; I cant lift him! He needs medical help- c'mon!" Pale faces and medical gear in hand, all three of you rushed towards the man still laying in a bloody heap.


You rocked back in forth in your chair, watching the man sleep. He was rather tough and had been practically fighting for his life for the past three days. Currently Parfait and Clover were on the road for town, trying to pick up more supplies for your newest patient. He stirred from his sleep, eye groggily opening to stare at you from his bed.

"Where... Where am-" his voice was crackly, and you immediately put a finger to your lips. "Shh, it's okay. You're alright, sir. Just rest; we can talk when you're done getting better." The man didn't say another word, groaning before shifting back into sleep.

You sighed and ran a hand through his matted hair. Though Clover had washed him up and detangled his oily mop, his hair refused to stay nice. You had combed it every day, and it still messed up from his mere sleeping. Brushing it between your fingers, you saw a small smile tint his lips as he leaned into your touch.


A week ago was when your newest patient- who identified as Dark Choco- had arrived. He was now sitting up in bed, able to walk somewhat, and could hold a bowl without need of help. You had been by his side ever since he had awoken, his constant staring at you sending little butterflies into your stomach. Tonight you had moved him to the living room, allowing him to watch t.v whilst you cross-stitched by the fireplace.

"What's that?" you heard his deep voice ask. Smiling, you held up a purple and black scarf. "I have a friend in a nearby town named Milk cookie. He's proposing to his boyfriend soon and I wanted to make him and his boyfriend matching scarves." Dark Choco flinched at the name- it was too familiar for him to forget.

Speaking of which, he barely remembered how he had gotten here. Evidently you had no idea who he was, as you were too calm when around him. Oh, right, one of Licorice's beasts had went savage and tried to tear him to shreds. He remembered running as quick as possible away from the beast. Then crumpling to the floor. A voice had filled his ears before he had passed out, awfully close to yours.

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