Yandere! Lilac x Male! reader

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You were a desert temple assassin. A cacti flower assassin, more so. You weren't extremely important or powerful, if even useful. Your prickly attacks could be deadly, yes, but you centered around healing moreso. Why you were put into the assassin category... Who knew?

You'd also been designated to have your first night well... Tonight. The Desert Temple required that all men had a concubine in which to multiply with within five years of work. You'd be so lucky to find yourself as a gay male, huh? You groaned as the maids set to work your outfit, something loose and easy to take off. Your partner? The priest's second daughter.

Your outfit consisted of dark gray silk pants with a light purple sash around the waist. Your signature choker with a cactus bloom lay on your neck. Nervousness fiddled into your gaze as the maids lead you to the room and handed you the key. You swallowed, willing this to be over as soon as humanly possible.

Entering, you locked the door and headed down the hallway to the special... 'First night' room. The door was mysteriously ajar. Had the girl forgotten to shut it? You immediately gagged upon entering the room. The window was wide open, blood everywhere. The girl's head lay decapitated from her body on the floor. The body...

It was slashed open and filled with poisoned, infected pores. Intestines were everywhere, one even knitted into a bow. You swallowed thickly as your eyes bugged. What... What had... What in the name of hell had happened? You hit the floor with your knees, nauseousness filling your body.

You noticed the writing on the floor....

"Y/N. Is. Nobody. Elses"

It was written in blood.

Her blood.

You vomited, choking on your own liquids. Who? Why? How? You choked again, eyes squeezing shut. You willed this to be a dream. Please, just be a dream. You coughed, a lilac scent entering your nose. You looked up, struggling to breathe as a purple mist entered the room.

"Stop! No! I didn't- I didn't do anything!" You cried, tears starting to pour down your face. Your back hit the wall of the room as the purple enclosed your body, making you stiffen and start gasping for air.

So.... Sleepy...

You slumped down to the ground, only making out a distant figure when your eyes fluttered shut.


You awoke abruptly, gasping for air. You were in a bed... Was this... The infirmary bed? You looked down, noticing the cuffs on your wrists. Either hand was chained to the wall, just enough slack for you to maybe get to the door. The lilac scent was everywhere, but not from the misty purple. Rather, the flowers all over the room. A small sticky note was on the vase by your bed.

Upon clearer inspection you saw that the flowers were addressed to you.. And they were from... 'Lilac Cookie?' You'd never heard that name before. Wait.. Lila...c..? Had he been the one to kill Palm Tree? Oh God! Your master! His daughter!

You threaded your hands into your hair, eyes wide. How were you going to explain what happened? Were you in the infirmary under arrest right now?! You cried silently. God, was your life about to end at age 20?!

Small cacti stickers began to bloom from your skin. It was a defensive soothing tactic, heavy poison deep within each of the needles. The sound of the door creaking made your head shoot up. You saw a pair of dark magenta eyes staring at you.

"You're awake." The man's soothing voice lingered in the tense air as you swallowed. "I- yes. Do you have any idea where Master is?! I need to explain the situation at hand. His daughter-"

"You needn't worry about any of the sluts from that temple. They've been wiped out."

"What?!" You yelled in shock. If this wasn't.... The infirmary... Where were you? Gripping the bedsheets, you stared at the man. He smiled, sashaying over to your bed. "I know you must be confused, my darling. You see, I've been watching you from afar for a very long time. Compared to your desert outpost, you are nothing like the people of the temple."

You closed your eyes as he licked your cheek, gripping you by the hand. "You were kind. Caring. Selfless. And all their people cared for was murder and sex. How could someone so peaceful as yourself live among whoring assassins?"

The words didn't feel right coming off his tongue. He seemed too graceful... Too flaunted. Yet the look in his eyes was shiny and evil. You trembled and tried to pull you hand away to no avail.

"It's okay, my little desert flower. I'll never let those awful creatures ruin and use your body and mind again. You'll stay with me from now on."

You choked om your words as you cried, tears dribbling down your cheeks. "Who...ring assassins?! You... You killed them! You're a murderer t-too!" He chuckled, rubbing your cheek with a small smirk. "I know, my dear. You must feel awful hearing what happened. But trust me, I'll do anything for your safety. Even kill anyone who tries to harm you."


Years had probably passed since you entered the insane man known as Lilac cookie's home. You never left the room you'd been given, though the cuffs were taken off. Most of your days consisted of sleeping and muttering to yourself as you paced the floor up and down. He knew you were still obsessed with escaping despite his inability to comprehend why.

You had no reason to understand his deranged, deluded mental state. All you wanted was to run somewhere and never come back. The door was locked always, regardless of him being with you. The window was sealed and bolted shut. And so you were imprisoned here, in this uncanny room with an undying scent of lilac.

Until today. Leashed by your new 'lover', he lead you to his living room. It was traditionally Japanese themed, as he seemed to have an adoration for their culture. The only modern tech within the room was a telephone... With no wire. Purely decoration.

You wanted to run. Scream. Attack this bastard with everything you had. Instead, you pushed the feelings deep down your throat and allowed Lilac to feed you some cake. Each bite felt grainy and unwanted. Just like your new life here, with your insane lover.

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