🍋The Beginning; Dark Cacao x M! Reader

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You were the twin brother of Pure Vanilla, ruling your castled in the sky by his side. He had many friends, ruling the social aspect of the kingdom. You preferred to be the brains and manpower of the nation, calling all the shots when it came to war or civil trials.

You served as a high judge alongside being an emperor, your brother being the high priest. Tonight was a special night; multiple kingdoms were sending their rulers to have a party. The party was then preceded the next day by a matter of trading and recent border issues. Your tightest allies were from the Dark Cacao kingdom.

Neither you nor Pure Vanilla had ever met the King, however. It was an odd but workable situation overall. Your personal dresser was fixing the shoulder guard on your left, your white cape gracefully swishing despite the minimal breeze. Pure Vanilla smiled at you as he fixed the center of his kimono, watching you set the waffle-themed golden crown on your head.

He was wearing a white kimono with golden-laced pin striping in the shape of roses. His bright yellow cape was attached with the typical shiny blue pin holding it on. His own crown was set in his fluffy white hair, his smile making the jewel radiate even more.

You were wearing a white medieval styled suit, a black shoulder piece attached to your white side cape. The blue jewel was settled on your chest, attached to the chains that gripped onto your suit buttons.

"You look amazing," you commented, gripping your brother by the hand. He looked at you with a smile, nodding. "As do you." You heard a giggle come from the designer, rolling your eyes. A knock came from the door, your eyes flashing. "Enter."

Black Raisin entered, a bit out of breath. "The guests are here. Dark Cacao and HollyBerry have just arrive." You nodded and waved her away in dismissal. "Shall we?" You brother asked. You let go of his hand and nodded, ringing the bell towards the balcony. The guards opened the curtains, immediately allowing both of you to enter the balcony together.

A crows of nobles immediately rushed into a cheer, screams and claps coming from down below. You raised your hand, bowing as the crowd quieted. You noticed HollyBerry and Dark Cacao on the balcony of the castle down below and to the left. You motioned to the guard, gripping you wine glass and toasting to the kingdom. "With a warm welcome to our friends from neighboring nations, we drink. May the meeting and party be filled with the utmost happiness."

Fireworks shot out of the castle right as you drank your wine, Pure Vanilla doing so as well. You disappeared behind the curtain, sighing as you headed for the dancing hall. Sitting on your throne, you gripped the scepter, Pure Vanilla holding directly under your hand. The doors opened, revealing that White Lily had also arrived after the small ceremony.

Dark Cacao walked forward, a young boy who was relatively similar in looks was standing next to him. The boy had sparkling red eyes, his orbs shifting from you to your blonde brother every other second. You waved them closer, allowing the small box in his hands to be set at your foot. You looked to Pure Vanilla, tired of always being the one to motion.

He smiled sweetly and nodded, the boy picking up the small red box and bringing it forward. "Uhm, emperors, I have a gift. My father, Dark Cacao, owns the largest jewel mine in our kingdom. I have samples of some of our trading jewels." He handed the box to you, allowing you to pop open the lid.

Inside were a few shiny and polished jewels. One in particular caught your eye; an emerald with silver lining around it's center. Handing the box to your brother, you gave a brief nod. "Thank you, prince. We shall admire your thoughtful gift."

He flashed a quick smile and scurried back beside his father, eyes beaming. Dark Cacao bowed again, smiling at you before nodding to Pure Vanilla. You felt your brother tap you with his finger under your hand, drawing your attention as HollyBerry practically lead the party of nobles in a drinking game. "He seems rather fond of you," Pure Vanilla murmured.

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