Y! Red Velvet x GN Reader

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You screamed, body shaking and trembling with fear. Your boyfriend's head had just been ripped off his body. Dark Choco's limp form fell to the floor, head still dangling by the hair in the cake-cookie's monster hand. He had a deranged smile on his face, eyes glistening as he stared at the organ laying limp, bloody strands tightened in his fingers.

"Why?!" You screeched, leaping forward to claw at the taller male's torso. Just last night you had welcomed your boyfriend's friend into your home, and then this morning you awoke to a bloody brawl in your kitchen. And now your lover lay dead, eye forever open and glazed with fear.

Dropping the head, Red Velvet let out a cackle, eyes widening as he stared down at you. "Oh," he cooed, smirking. "Isn't this so sad? Dark Choco has been killed, boo-hoo. Don't you see how weak he was? He wouldn't have been able to ever protect you, dear." You sobbed audibly at his words, slapping his chest again. "Shut up! Shut up!"

He growled at your screams, gripping your neck suddenly and lifting you off the floor. You choked and gripped at the bloody, monstrous hand. His eyes closed half way, studying your air-lacking face. "He never deserved you, I mean- just look at your adorable face. How many times did he get to hear you whine under him? How many times did he see that pretty face be overcome with pleasure?"

Oh, so this was a lustful rage. You had just met him last night and he'd already become undone and deranged from pure want. You couldn't respond, gasping for air when you were pressed against the wall. "It shouldn't have ever been him. It should have been me, Y/N. He didn't deserve you. Dear, I have no idea why the Gods didn't make us meet first- but fear not; now I'll never let you go."

Your eyes widened but before you could grip at him, you were slammed into the wall again, darkness filling your gaze. You awoke a few days later in a bundle of blankets- in a cell. Chains had been locked on each wrist, a collar on your neck with a chain limply attached to the wall. You found yourself barely able to move, head throbbing.

You turned to the left, catching sight of a pair of eyes staring at you. Red Velvet? He immediately opened the door to your cage-like confinement, gripping your hands in his own. Why was he being so gentle? "Im so sorry for hurting your pretty little head, my love. I wasn't thinking right- please, forgive me." You opened your mouth to let out a snarky remark.

However, before your lips formed the words, you were pulled into his chest. Through his turtleneck you could feel a rugged and hard abdomen, hardened yet probably scarred from years of work and fighting. It wasn't anything in comparison to Dark Choco's built figure though, his toned chest beating everyone's.

"My dear, don't cry. Master's sorry, remember?" You hadn't even noticed the tears boiling over in your eyes. It wasn't because of Red Velvet hurting you, it was your memories of Dark Choco. You felt him stiffen up on a whim, eyes dilating as he stared down at you.

"Don't ever think of that man again, do you hear me?" His human hand gripped your jaw, squishing your face in the process. "I can tell my baby is thinking about her pathetic ex, but they're only allowed to think about me." He forced your gaze up to him, bringing your face closer until you were lip locked.

You whimpered, trying to pull away. He only hardened his hold, slipping his tongue past your lips and tasting everything you had to offer. Even as he kissed you, you wanted to bite down on that slimy organ inside your mouth. Disgusted by his actions, you gave him an angry look when he pulled away.

Red Velvet didn't seem to mind, licking his lips with a starry-eyed look. "My baby tastes so good, hnn-" you felt something poking at your thigh. Gritting your teeth, you pulled yourself from his arms and shuffled onto your bed. "I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone, asshole."

Red Velvet didn't answer, only staring at you with discontent. I do everything to make them mine and they treat me like this? What a snob. Am I not good enough for them? Do they still want their deader than fuck ex? Uhg.

Soon after his leaving, you fell asleep again, only to awake in tears. You'd dreamt of your first time, with Dark Choco. How he had gripped your sides and rubbed them, eye darkening when you let out hushed whines and moans. You were so small, so tiny, so tight. You'd barely taken half of him when you came, eyes rolling back into your head. He'd always been so gentle, so good to you, so kind.

Your new "master" seemed nothing like that. He was evidently only looking out for himself. Forceful, rude, cruel. You wanted to leave. To wake up from this dream and never return. However, this was reality, and you'd never be able to return to what you'd once known.

Later into the night, Red Velvet appeared, a plate of pasta in hand. Your sharp gaze sent an angry flush over his face, teeth gritting when you slapped his hand away and ate by yourself. Seething with anger, the man headed upstairs again. Why were you being so bratty? Had Dark Choco never tamed you?

That thought immediately calmed the insane man. Of course he hadn't, he wasn't the type. So he would train you, after all, what good master wouldn't? Dark Choco truly didn't deserve such a good pet.

When you finished dinner, you were met with something you'd never had liked to see. Red Velvet with a whip in hand was standing outside your cell, eyes unnaturally calm. You shook and backed up into a corner when he entered, eyes blazing with fear.

"Shhh," he cooed, grabbing you by the collar. "I'll be easy on you tonight, my love. You're new to training, so I'll be nice. Just obey me, mk?" You whimpered and nodded frantically, scared of the black leather he held in his human hand. "okay, good, baby. Now, knees and hands, now."

You quickly got into position, hoping and praying this wasn't what you thought. Biting your lip, fear entered your body when the kidnapped unzipped his pants. "Now, I think my pet knows what to do?" He leaned against your bed, eyes half shut as his pants pulled down. You shook your head, eyes pooling with tears.

The man didn't care, immediately landing a perfectly-aimed lash to your ass. It felt horrible, but somehow fed the man's unexpected sadism. "Ohhh," he groaned with a lazy grin. "This is going to be absolutely amazing."

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