Chapter 1: Argument

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A/N: before you start reading I would like to warn you that in this story, people are gonna talk very weird, but stay with me okay because everything will make sense at the end. Just trust the process.

Jiro's POV:
I woke up to the sound of arguing what was going on... I walked downstairs slowly, hoping my parents wouldn't hear me. I could've just used my quirk, but I wanted to see what was happening up close, and it worked, I heard what my parents were auguring about and got to see it up close, but that wasn't the best decision... You'll see why in a second...

(JD is Jiro's dad and JM is Jiro's mom)

JM: "you know sometimes I wonder why Jiro never became a musician.."
JD: "yeah, I would be much happier if she was a musician instead of a hero..."
JM: "I know right, it's been in the family for generations and now she's just spitting on it!"
JD: "oh well, when she fails as a hero she'll be crawling back to us, we just have to be patient."
JM: "yeah... and if she doesn't, then we'll just have to kick her out the house.."
JD: "agreed.."

What the hell... I felt sick to my stomach... why would they say that about me.. there own daughter.. but it doesn't make any sense... when I told them I wanted to be a hero instead of a musician they said they supported me.. we're they lying?

I couldn't think straight, my head was spinning and I almost fainted. I ran back upstairs afraid they would notice me, but just then...
"What was that!" My dad yelled.
"Kyoka, is that you?" My mom asked.

Oh well, no point in hiding it. "Yeah it's me.. hey what were you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just adult stuff.. you wouldn't understand..." my dad said. Yeah right...

"Anyways, I should probably go back to sleep now.." I said.

I was walking upstairs when I heard my mom calling to me, "Say, why did you wake up anyways.. you couldn't have gone to the bathroom or else I would've heard you and you definitely didn't want something to eat because then you wouldn't be in such a rush to leave."

Crap... I forgot to think of a reason of why I went downstairs.. but before I could say anything my dad beat me to it, "say, did you happen to overhear our little conversation.."

"What! Of course not!" I lied, "I'm just really tried" I said yawning.

My dad slapped me angrily, I was so shocked that I lost my balance and feel to the foor, wait somethings not right.. he would never slap me would he..


I looked at my mom with pleading eyes, begging her to help, she just shook her head at me, "We should have just gave you up for adoption when we found out you didn't want to be a musician."

"Well no point in hiding it now," my dad sighed, "you're a disgrace to this family, the only reason we had you is because we had hopes that you would grow up to become a musician and keep the tradition alive, but you just spat in our face. We've always said that we would support you no matter what, but we were lying, we just wanted to seem like good parents so you wouldn't call the authorities on us, but now there's no point because we're gonna end it right now!"

My dad grabbed a knife and walked towards me with bloodshot eyes, I tried getting up, running away from him, anything not to die, but I was too stunned to move... He got closer, and closer... this can't be happening.. I can't die... not yet... I close my eyes, hoping it would be over soon.

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