Chapter 16: Memory Loss

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Jírø'š POV:
I woke up in an unfamiliar place "where the hell am I?" I asked myself. "Kyoka! Come downstairs!" I jumped at the sound of another persons voice "who the hell is in my house? And who the hell is Kyoka?" I asked myself. "Kyoka! Are you still asleep?" It was starting to get freaky so I decided to leave.

I look around the house and jumped out the window. I fell down and land really uncomfortably. "Ow!" I thought, "that's gonna leave a mark..." I quickly ran as far away from the house as possible, but something stopped me.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I asked myself, "Why won't my legs do what I want?" My legs started to move on it's own and I went back into the house and knocked on the door. A nice young lady opened it, "Kyoka there you are! Where have you been, I was calling you this whole time and you didn't answer!"

I suddenly remembered who the young lady was... I burst into tears and hugged her. "How the hell did I forget my own mother?" I thought to myself. "I'm sorry mom..." I said, "it won't happen again." She hugged me back, "I'm just glad you're okay." "This can't keep happening.." I thought to myself, "I need to tell her what's going on.."

"Mom," I said, "there's something I need to tell you..." She looked at me with concern, "what is it honey, you can tell me anything." "Well you see... I'm actually trans so if you don't mind I would prefer he/him pronouns from now on.."

She looked at me with contempt, "honey, why didn't you tell me this before?" "I was afraid of what you would think, that's why when you called me downstairs I didn't answer and I ended up jumping out the window.." "Honey! That's really dangerous, you could've gotten hurt!" "I know, I'm sorry.." I started to cry.

She looked worried, "it's okay, but just remember, I'm your mother so you shouldn't be scared to tell me things because I'll support you no matter what. Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I had to tell her.. she had to know.. "I also like girls.." I said finally. She smiled, "thank you for telling me all this." "It's no problem," I said, "now let's go inside I'm starving!" She smiled, "of course sweetie, I'll make your favourite!"

"No.. that's not what I wanted to tell you.." I thought to myself, "why can't I say it?"
"Because I won't let you!" The voice said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"If she figures out, she'll try kicking me out of here, but this place is so much more comfy than Kaminari's place." He explained, "It's all rusty cause he never uses his brain, but honestly I don't blame him. Using it is a real pain!"
"You won't get away with this.." I said to him, "one day they'll find out and they'll kick you out of here for good!"
"Be honest, by the time they figure out it's already gonna be too late." He said.

I was gonna continue arguing with him, but then I thought for a moment. "he's right." I said to myself, "By the time they realize what's going on, I'll be gone." Even if they tried to bring my memory back it would've been hopeless because I would never be fully me. I'd be the me my friends think I am and knowing Kaminari, he would probably trick me into thinking we're dating.

And as for my friends, they would kill to see me where pink once in a while, if I lost my memory the first thing they would do is make me wear pink and make me like more girly things. The only person who liked the way I am is Ashido and Momoyao, they would make me act like myself because they care.

Actually, I never really thought about what they would do if I lost my memory because I didn't have to worry about that. Maybe I was underestimating my friends. Maybe they did care about me. Maybe they liked me the way I am. Maybe, if I lost my memory they would make me exactly the same as I was before and it would be like I never lost my memory in the first place. Maybe I should ask. I'll never know until I ask...

"That's it!" I thought to myself, "Why didn't I think about it before?" My plan was simple, I would ask that question to my friends, it's a simple question and Kaminari probably wouldn't see anything wrong with it, but knowing my friends; as soon as I ask the question they would realize something is wrong because I would never ask questions like that unless it might actually happen to me.

Not only would they figure out what was going on, but just in case they figured out too late, I would know what they would do to me if I do loose my memory and that would give me a little more piece of mind. I just hoped that they get the message..

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