Chapter 24: The Faithful Day

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Jiro's POV:
"So do you remember what I told you on that faithful day?" He asked.

I nodded, with tears still in my eyes. "Y-you told me to follow my dreams.. and that you would be proud of me no matter what I did."

"Exactly!" He said, "Kyoka Jiro, you've forgotten something very important to you, before this stupid thing even happened."

"And that is?" I asked, thinking I remembered everything.

"You forgot that we'll always be proud of you no matter what you do." He said, "it doesn't matter that you don't want to be a musician, as long as you're happy, I'm happy and there's nothing anyone can do to change that."

I couldn't control myself anymore as my vision became blurry and I wailed, crying like never before.

I always promised myself I wouldn't cry in front of anyone, not even my parents, but in that moment I was just so happy, not only that this nightmare was over, but that all my fears and doubts had finally gone away and I could finally live in peace.

"Guess that means it's over then." Denki said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Way to ruin the moment." I said.

"Sorry.." he said quietly.

Suddenly I felt bad. I always felt something towards him, but being inside his mind made me see him in a whole new light.

He didn't mean anything bad, he was genuinely worried for me and wanted to know if it was over.

I sighed, "Y'know, being in your mind made me realize something."

He looked at me in confusion and some cockiness. "And what is that?" He asked.

I went over to him and caressed his checks in a teasing manner. "It's that you're really in love with me." I said.

He started to blush and he tried desperately to get away. "Alright so what?" He said, "Just say you don't like me back, no need to tease me about it."

I couldn't help but giggle. "Oh silly," I said, "I love you too."

His face was really red now, he didn't know how to respond. "Y-you really mean it?" He asked.

I nodded. "Kaminari, you always know how to make me happy even on the darkest of days." I said to him, "You mean the world and it means everything to know you see me in the same way."

As soon as he heard this he started crying and hugged me. As he did I heard him say, "I'm so glad you love me too."

I smiled as I hugged him back.

He let go of the hug and looked at me. "So does this mean we're dating?" He asked.

I sighed, there he goes ruining the moment again, but I didn't mind as much.

I smiled at him, "I guess so."

We looked at each other for a moment, but then my dad came to ruin the moment, as dads do.

"Great.. that's great!" He said, taking Denki from me and having a private conversation with him, but not as private as he thought as I could hear everything.

He leaned in to Denki and loudly whispered, "Listen here boy, you better not break my daughters heart or I will make your life a living nightmare, understood?"

He nodded desperately, "understood sir, I'll take good care of her."

I smiled, he did in fact take good care of me.

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