Chapter 8: Worried Sick

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Jiro's POV:
So we walked home together and we talked about how we were doing.

"So, how are you doing Kaminari?" I asked.

"Great!" He said, "but I'm not too sure about the test tomorrow.."

Of course he was doing fine, and of course his only concern was the test. "I'm doing fine and I've been studying a lot, so I hope I pass.." I said.

I lied about being fine, but I was actually really confident about the test.

Once we got to my house my parents started asking questions.

"Honey, where were you, we were so worried!" My mom said.

"You better have a good explanation!" My dad said.

All of a sudden they saw Denki and there mood changed.

"Don't tell me you were with him this whole time, what were you guys even doing together!" My dad scoffed.

"Oh my.. is he your boyfriend?!" My mom asked as she shook his hand, "Hi, I'm Jiro's mom it's so nice to meet you."

We both blushed. "It's not like that mom, we're just friends.." I said.

"Then surely you won't mind telling us what you and your 'friend' were doing this whole time, you had us worried sick!" My dad said.

"Well, you see.. while we were walking to school, Jiro fainted, so I took her to the hospital, she stayed there for basically the whole day and a few hours after she woke up, she said she wanted to come back here, but the doctors said for me to walk with her." Denki said.

My parents looked at me worried. "Honey, is this true?" My dad asked.

I nodded. My parents changed their whole mood and hugged me, "oh my poor baby, are you alright? Did you get hurt?" My mom asked.

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry about me.." I said.

"We're you parents, were supposed to worry about you." My dad said.

Then my mom looked at Denki, "thanks for bringing our daughter home."

He blushed, "it's no problem, Mrs. Jiro, anyways, I should probably get home too, my parents are probably also worried."

"Oh right, you can go now, we won't keep you here any longer." My mom said.

"Bye Jiro, I'll see you tomorrow!" Denki said waving at me happily, then he walked off.

"He seems like a nice guy." My mom said when he was far enough not to hear her.

"He's alright.." my dad said, not wanting to admit that he liked him.

All of a sudden I yawned. God I was so tried, my head was spinning, I felt like fainting again.

"Oh you poor thing you must be tried." My mom said acting weirder then usual, but I guess I can't blame her. I mean, I don't know how I would act if I heard my child fainted and I wasn't there to help them.

"Yeah, I'm really tried, do you mind if I just go to bed?" I said.

"But, don't you wanna eat anything, you must be starving." My mom said.

To be honest, I was hungry, but I was so tried, I didn't care if I went to bed starving myself, but before I could answer my stomach answered for me.

My mom gasped, "so you are hungry!"

I sighed, "yeah."

So I quickly ate something and went to bed, hoping tomorrow things would be different.

I wanted to be different, I wanted to be more like Denki, more like the other girls, literally anyone but myself and my wish came true, but at what cost?

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