Rev and I had steak for supper, or I should say I had some steak, but Rev ate most of it. We had gotten some whiskey and Sprite on our trip to town, and he made us each a drink as I did the dishes.
"If you ever come out here without me, you know it's critical you aren't followed, right?"
I sighed. "I know. I need to be more aware of my surroundings".
"Yep. We're going to practice that, also".
"Not tonight", I said. "Work is done now".
He chuckled. "Whatever you want, love".
I dried my hands and took the drink from him, taking a sip. I preferred flavored whiskey, straight, and this stuff was unappealing to me unless it was mixed, though I could drink it straight if I had to. Rev's was straight on the rocks.
"Can we listen to music again?", I asked. "Without my phone, I've been feeling deprived".
"Of course", he said, taking my hand and leading me into the living room. "Pick something", he said, as he started shutting off lights and lighting candles. It was getting dark out now but wasn't yet completely dark.
Then he had his hand on my lower back.
"This one", I said, pulling out Fleetwood Mac.
He grinned. "You know this?"
"I guess you'll find out", I said, one eyebrow raised as I spun away from him.
I proceeded to sing every song for him as we slowly sipped our whiskey. He watched me and listened, and frequently touched me in some way. A hand on my knee, my hair, my arm.
When the album was done, it was completely dark. I got up to find another album and he touched my arm.
"How do you have goosebumps already?", he asked, switching on the fireplace.
"I'm all right", I said. "I'll grab that flannel of yours in a second".
He pulled Fleetwood off the record player and slipped it in it's sleeve.
"What's this?", I asked, pulling a record out. The band was Black Pistol Fire. I had never heard of it.
"Ah, that's a good one. I don't know if you'll like it".
"Let's give it a shot", I said, handing it to him.
I quickly went upstairs, grabbed the flannel, started to head back down, then changed my mind. I took off my shirt and shorts then put the flannel back on, buttoning it up. I let my hair out of the ponytail holder, then unbuttoned two more of the top buttons on the flannel. There was no mirror up here.
I went downstairs as the music started, darted into the bathroom and checked the effect. Suggestive but not slutty. Perfect. I brushed my teeth, used the toilet, then went to find my man.
He had gotten himself another drink and was just sitting down. I still had half a glass and intended to keep it minimal. I wasn't going to give him any reason to say no to me, such as thinking I was under the influence.
I sat next to him and he automatically placed his hand on my bare knee. I saw him glance at my cleavage, which is what I wanted.
"I like it", I said. "It's like bluesy rock. Unique".
He laid his head back on the couch and absentmindedly stroked my leg, listening.
I watched him for a minute, got bored, and reached for my drink. I swirled it, took a sip, and set it on the coffee table again. I looked back at Rev. He was staring at me, his face unreadable.

The Neverending Hangover
Storie d'amore*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...