The next week went by FAST. The album was nearly done and we had played at a bar on Wednesday, utilizing all of our new songs and then doing covers for other popular country songs. We were a hit! We actually had a little group of people get our autographs afterward because they were convinced we were going to be famous. That completely blew me away!
Brad couldn't get a flight until Friday afternoon, so I had texted him the information of how to get into the cottage and would leave him the rental keys.
Wednesday afternoon, Brad heard back from the cottage owner. She had talked to her son and they made Brad an offer. It was only slightly higher than the appraisal amount, so Brad didn't bother countering. He agreed immediately, and asked if they knew a local realtor to facilitate the deal. They did, and they got everything set up for Saturday evening. Brad transferred some money around so he could simply write them a check, and he made a reminder in his phone to pack his checkbook. This would use a substantial chunk of the money he was thinking he would put toward building a house, but this opportunity was here, now, and needed. They could always sell the cottage later if they needed to. It was better than throwing empty money at a hotel.
He called up to Andy's office.
"I'm buying it Saturday!", he said.
"Fanfuckingtastic!", Andy said. "Hey, I did hear something but hadn't gotten a chance to tell you. If you are paying for it, you need to sign for it as the owner, but then you can do a transfer document and gift it to her for zero dollars. I'm not sure how long that process takes".
"What if I bring her with and have her sign for it?"
Andy snorted. "You could, but do you think you can get her to?"
"I guess I'll have to tell her before I do it then. I would rather hand her the papers once it's done, so she can't say no, but I think she'll feel less pressure if it's in her name".
"Good point", Andy said. "Plus, isn't she always making a big deal about your making decisions for her?"
"Oh. You're exactly right. I guess I need to tell her first, and hope she sees the logic and agrees. Pray for me. I'm doing this one way or another, I just prefer to do it without a fight".
"Done", Andy said seriously.
The guys were over practicing in the cottage living room before the performance. We were going to stop at five and grab a bite at the bar restaurant we were performing at before setting up. The guys were each wearing jeans and basic short sleeve shirts, though Clay chose to wear one that looked like the faded label of a whiskey bottle. Clay was also wearing his faded blue ball cap as usual, and Jake had purchased a white ten gallon hat that he was pretty proud of.
I had already curled my hair into perfect beachy waves before they arrived but I no idea what to wear, and was starting to feel panicked about it. I voiced my concern as soon as we stopped.
"I don't have lots of options for attire with me", I said, "and I don't know what's going to look good yet also be comfortable enough to perform in". I looked at Tommy and Jake. "Can you help dress me, or do lady parts scare you?"
Tommy smirked and pointed at the bedroom. "Go", he simply said.
Jake laughed. "Girl, you know what I prefer, but beauty is beauty, and I don't mind looking at you. Let's see what there is to work with".
We decided on short, deep blue, frayed denim shorts, a sparkly black v-neck racer back tank top that was loose fitting, and my black Converse with no socks. I preferred heels but the only ones I had with that would look right were the black boots Rev had gotten me, and I knew those hurt my feet. We were going to be performing at least three hours, depending on crowd interest, so I couldn't let my feet hold me back from doing my best work. Usually I layered another tank under the sparkly black one, but Jake insisted I show more cleavage.

The Neverending Hangover
Romance*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...