The guys picked me up at the cottage in the rental car they had, and Clay drove us all to the airport, retuning the rented drum set on the way. The ride from my cottage to the store was dangerously packed and incredibly uncomfortable. I felt like we were in a clown car! They returned the rental car at the airport as we had a plan for Tommy, Clay, and Jake to drive Tommy's SUV back. That way Clay could bring his own drum set, and Tommy could bring his fiddle and some other equipment. Sam also had a second guitar he was bringing back, but he could bring it as a carry on.
They were going to drive back starting Thursday morning, and I told Sam I'd keep him updated on what happened with Brad so we could maybe fly back together Thursday night. If Brad didn't want me there, I would come back sooner.
Rev had been having an antsy feeling since Sunday afternoon. It was too quiet at Jay's house. When his replacement team arrived Sunday night, he slept in the front seat of the van instead of heading to the hotel.
He had been doing this work for long enough, and had this feeling enough times, that he didn't second guess himself. Something was going to happen, and he was going to be here when it did.
Sure enough, in the wee hours of Monday morning, every car on the property started heading out the gate. They were all identical black sedans with tinted windows. Rev was on the radio immediately. "Who's got eyes on this? I need confirmation on our subject".
He had his binoculars up to his eyes, as did the other two guys in his van.
Suddenly, over the radio, "Third car back seat". Rev whipped his binoculars there and scrutinized. He was wearing a hat and sunglasses, but that looked like Jay's profile, all right. He continued scanning all the other cars. Seven of them. No one else appeared to have a backseat passenger.
He started giving commands over the radio. He was keeping one van at the residence and the one he was in was following Jay.
"I'm gonna need backup!", he told the agent in the passenger seat. "I bet you anything they're gonna split!"
Boy Agent One whipped out a cell phone and made a call while the other agent kept binoculars on the third car.
"Splitting!", Rev snapped. Three of the cars were heading straight on the highway while the other four took the interstate.
"Interstate", said Boy Agent Two, and Rev followed those cars.
"You got someone on those other cars just in case?", Rev asked Boy Agent One, who nodded, still on the phone.
Rev continued his pursuit, heart pounding. "I bet you anything they're heading for the border", he said. "We can't let him get into Canada, but he's still in the state until he gets there, so he currently hasn't violated his bond orders, and we can't pull him over until he does".
Brad walked into work nearly skipping, with a permanent smile on his face. His love would be home by the time he got done, and then they were having a talk about their future. He didn't want to get too ahead of himself, but from the signals he was reading from her this weekend, they would be talking marriage.
Two hours later, Rev was still on the interstate tailing the pack of four cars from Jay's property. The other three had circled back to the property by then, so he knew he was with the right group. He had been on the phone with Clint and he had as much support as he needed from the FBI and Boarder Patrol to ensure Jay didn't leave the country. Rev simply needed to be there when he tried to do it.

The Neverending Hangover
Romance*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...