After Steve and Bre had arrived at their mountain lodge, they effectively spent three days doing nothing but laying in each other's arms. The fourth day they decided to do some hiking. As they walked, Bre brought up something she had been thinking about.
"Steve, I've been thinking about Godparents for the baby. What would you say to Paige and Brad? Do you think she'd do it or do you think it would be too weird for her?"
Steve looked surprised. "I love the idea, hun, but I really don't know. I guess it all depends on how she takes the news. If she handles it okay, then I think she would love it. This is going to be Drew's sibling, after all, so she might feel like she has a little piece of him that way".
"Yeah, that's kinda what I thought. The other thing was maybe it would help the two of them get that little push to get married. You know, lumping them together into something permanent?"
"That's kinda sneaky, hun, but yes, it might work. I asked her about marriage and she said Brad wants to but she doesn't".
"Yeah, she told me the same. It's so weird. Usually it's the other way around".
"Well, hun", Steve chuckled, "Paigie's not like other women".
"She is", Bre disagreed. "Just some things I think she gets confused about because of how she was raised, or because of Jay".
"Right", Steve sighed. "I wish that piece of shit would do the world a favor and die".
Wednesday Rev and I went to the mall so I could find an outfit for performing Saturday. I felt uncomfortable still, even with everything Rev had told me about money, and why I should let him help me. He parked then placed his hand on top of mine which was resting on the seat.
"Hey", he said quietly.
I met his eyes. He was very serious.
"I understand everything you told me. This isn't about control. I care about you and I want to do this. That's all".
I looked deep into his eyes. Everything I read there was legit, honest love.
I leaned over and kissed him on the mouth, then wrapped my arm around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.
He put his arms around me and pulled me tight against his body.
"All right then?", he asked quietly.
I nodded and off we went. We went to multiple stores and I tried multiple dresses but nothing was exactly right. I saw lots of other things I liked, but didn't need, and effectively ignored.
"What's your favorite color, love?", Rev asked me as I was flipping through a rack of dresses at a boutique, looking for my size.
"Ah, pretty much every color", I said. "I love color in general, and my favorite depends on what it's for, but it can also change from one day to the next because I get bored. So yeah. All of them, I guess".
He smiled and raised an eyebrow at me.
"All of them. That's something I've never heard before", he smirked.
"Well, what's yours?", I asked.
"Sparkling emerald green", he said, looking at me with his eyes soft and admiring. I felt myself blushing. He lifted an emerald green v-neck sweater from the rack he was standing next to and held it up. "I think this would look amazing with your eyes. Would you try it on?"
I smiled and said, "How on earth could I say no after that?" I held out my hand for the sweater and checked the tag. He had even grabbed the right size. I added it to my stack and went to try on with an armload as Rev stood outside the fitting room door. I tried the sweater on first for him. It really did look good, but it was low cut so I'd need to put something underneath, which I already owned plenty of.

The Neverending Hangover
Romansa*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...