I woke up at sunrise in Brad's arms, needing to use the bathroom. I wriggled out of his grasp and went. I was slightly nauseous from drinking but it wasn't bad.
My conscience and my heart were both troubled, though. Up to this point, there had been clear lines between my men as I swung back and forth between them, but last night it blurred in a very disturbing way. It was probably because I was feeling so badly for Rev as he left, but I could not get him out of my head. With everything Brad did, I couldn't focus on him. I kept picturing how Rev did things differently, and if I were being perfectly honest, I preferred how Rev did them.
That rattled me. What was that? And would it continue?
How could I stay with Brad if I couldn't even focus on him during sex? If I was longing for Rev the whole time?
I brushed my teeth then crawled back into bed, still naked. Brad woke up, as I knew he would, and soon started instigating sex, which I knew he would. I had to see if that was a one-time issue or if it was going to continue. I focused on pleasing Brad, and I ended up enjoying myself and not fantasizing about Rev at all.
Thank God.
When we finally got up for the day, I texted Kate. I needed to talk to her about the shelter. I loved spending time with the animals, but if I was going to be in the band, and possibly doing more work with Mike, I might need to stop volunteering to simplify my life.
She understood and was excited for me to further my career in music. I told her I could still do Mondays for now.
Monday morning I headed over to the shelter as Brad went to work. I needed to get in early and get done early so I would have time to talk to Mike.
Rev called while I was walking a black lab.
"Hey, I'm at the shelter right now. Can I call you back when I'm done?"
"What time are you done?"
"I'll pick you up at your house then".
"Okaaaaayyyyy....what are we doing because I need to call that Mike guy".
"Well, love, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you and then we can do whatever you want".
I felt my breath catch and my cheeks flush. I felt like I should have been insulted by the assumption that I would do whatever he wanted, but I wasn't.
Instead I quietly laughed and said, "Yeah, okay. See you in a couple hours".
Rev was waiting outside when I pulled into my driveway and parked. He didn't even get out. I held up a finger indicating I needed a minute, and he nodded. I ran inside, changed everything I had on, even switching my bra and underwear to more appealing ones- a shiny scarlet bra and satiny black Brazilian cut underwear. I put on olive green cargo pants, olive green low top Converse shoes, and a black tank top. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, redid my hair in a messy bun on top of my head, and scooted out to his truck.
He leaned over and opened the door for me.
"Hello, gorgeous", he said, giving me a smile that made my heart thump. I climbed in and slid over next to him. He immediately planted his mouth on mine and his hand on my breast.
I pulled away.
"What if there are neighbors home and looking outside?", I asked.
"There isn't", he assured me, moving his hand back to my breast.

The Neverending Hangover
Romance*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...