Brad and Steve went out to eat as directed by Bre. They commiserated about the women in their lives and drank beer.
"Have you and Paigie rescheduled yet?", Steve asked.
"Nope. We can't do that till we're sure the two of you can make it".
"I'm thinkin' we'll be all right. She's seein' a therapist now. Says she'll bring me in if the therapist thinks it's a good idea, but right now she's just workin' through her own feelings".
Brad nodded. He did hope the Larsens could work it out, but selfishly he still wanted access to Bre, especially when he knew what his girlfriend was doing with Rev right now.
"We had sex, you know", Steve said quietly.
Brad felt like he had been kicked in the gut.
"No, I didn' the hell would I know that?", Brad asked, annoyed.
"On Christmas Day, before church. I just...she looked so beautiful comin' down the stairs...caught me off guard, and I told her exactly what I thought. I saw her face light up. That's what you been tellin' me this whole time. I saw it make a difference, and I couldn't help it. I grabbed her and kissed her, and the next thing I knew, we were havin' sex in the living room...and it was...".
Steve ran his hand through his hair. "It was the best sex I've had in my life", he admitted, shaking his head.
Brad cringed inwardly. That's why she isn't interested in doing it with me then.
"I'm happy for you, man", Brad told his friend.
"Yeah, but then she told me she didn't know what it meant and I'm still sleepin' on the couch. At least I'm in the house again, though".
"I gave her the new ring that night and she says she loves it but she hasn't worn it yet".
"At least she didn't throw it at you", Brad said.
"Damn right".
Brad told Steve that Paige left because of the house bringing back bad memories and Steve not only understood, but also felt badly about it.
"I've been keepin' my distance from her for Bre's sake but I need to be there for her with Drew", Steve said, looking frazzled. "What do I do?"
"Let me handle it", Brad said. "If she really needs you, she'll let you know".
Steve nodded slowly.
When Brad got home from supper with Steve, he felt a million times worse. He poured himself a full glass of whiskey and started taking large sips while texting Paige.
Thirty minutes later she hadn't replied, so he tried calling.
Another thirty minutes later the glass was empty, and she still hadn't responded, so he texted her and Rev both.
He poured some more whiskey. Fifteen minutes later he called her. No answer. He tried Rev. No answer. He texted her some more.
What the fuck. Where is she? What is she doing?
Brad realized he didn't want to envision what she might be doing. He started lifting weights to keep his mind off of it.
Finally, she called.
"Babe, what the fuck", he answered angrily.
"I'm sorry, Brad. We were with friends and my phone was in the truck".
"Rev has friends?", Brad asked, dumbfounded.
"Here he does, yes".

The Neverending Hangover
Romance*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...