Brad was confused why Bre's alarm was going off. It was Sunday. He rolled over and turned it off. He had ended up sleeping on that side of the bed after all of their nightly adventures. He looked at her sleeping, her face turned toward him, one bare arm outside of the blankets, the graceful curve to her long neck. He leaned over and kissed that neck, and she stirred, reaching for his face with that hand.
"Why do you have your alarm set?", he asked.
"I have to go to church", she muttered.
He was horrified. He wouldn't have kept her up half the night if he had known that!
"Baby, you should have told me. I would have left you alone so you could sleep", he said, feeling guilty.
"I didn't want you to leave me alone", she whispered, her eyes not open yet.
"But now you're exhausted", he protested. "Why don't you stay home?"
"Because I volunteer in the elementary kids' area", she said.
"Fuck, Bre", he grumbled. "You shouldn't be doing it. You're too tired. You do too much. You shouldn't be doing anything other than working. If you were my wife, I wouldn't even want you doing that".
She opened her eyes then and smiled. "And I thought Steve was the old fashioned one", she said, sounding amused.
"It's not about domesticating you", Brad said. "It's about you taking care of yourself and that baby. You shouldn't be getting so worn out".
"I'm okay", she said, sitting up. She immediately squeezed her eyes shut and her forehead wrinkled up. Brad sat up quickly.
"Nope, I'm not", she said, diving out of bed. He was right behind her, helping her as she threw up in the toilet.
"You're staying home", he said sternly, feeling immensely guilty about his part in this. He knew that lack of sleep made nausea worse for Paige, so he assumed it also did for Bre. He helped her stand and kept his hand on her bare back as she brushed her teeth.
"I should have had a snack before bed", she said. "I forgot. It's my fault. Don't you dare start feeling guilty", she said, observing him in the mirror.
"No, it's my fault", he said. "I should know better".
She shook her head but dropped it and left the bathroom, starting to get dressed.
"You're not going", he repeated, snatching the bra from her hands.
She stood to her full height and looked him determinedly in the face, stepping closer.
"I'm sorry that you feel guilty", she said kindly, but in a no-nonsense tone. "However, you don't need to. I am an adult and I made my own choice to participate rather than sleeping. I also made a commitment to these children and I am not backing out of it because I chose to spend my evening enjoying you rather than sleeping. So, unless you think you're going to physically restrain me from leaving, and I guarantee you that won't go over well, then you better decide to go make me breakfast so I can get ready".
He wavered, stubbornly considering his options. She was determined and he knew she meant every word she said. He stared back into her soft brown eyes while she patiently waited for him to decide. Finally he shook his head and chuckled.
He took her face in his hands, kissed her once softly, said, "You are a force to be reckoned with", and smacked her lightly on her bare bottom before leaving the room.
Bre quickly got ready for church and ate with Brad. She knew he didn't approve, and honestly she physically felt awful, but emotionally and mentally she was elated. Brad had done so much for her over the last few days. He had improved her self confidence, self esteem, and self worth, and had made her feel beautiful and desirable.

The Neverending Hangover
Romance*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...