Chapter Sixty-One

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Saturday afternoon, Brad and I were dropped at the airport by Victor in his sleek, black Escalade with tinted, bulletproof windows.

He always tried to get me to ride in this vehicle but now wouldn't insist on it unless he felt strongly about the situation. He had tried the first few times, and we had about eight power struggles which resulted either in him physically forcing me to get in the vehicle, once with me giving him a black eye, or me going hungry because I refused to go anywhere in it.

Rev finally had a conversation with him after I called him up screaming about it. Victor decided to compromise with the ride unless he really felt like I might be in danger, and I agreed that when he did tell me it wasn't optional that I would comply.

What can I say? I loved my Jeep and wanted to drive it. What the fuck did I spend all that money for if it was going to simply sit in the driveway? Now when we did use it, I purposely drove with dance music blaring to annoy him as much as possible.

Brad had parked our Durango at the airport back home, and after we started driving back, he glanced at me. That glance told me he was trying to judge my mood, and my gut told me there was probably a baby waiting for us at home.

"There's been news?", I guessed.

"She was born on Wednesday", he said.

"Have you been to see her?"

He looked at me sharply. "No, babe. You said you wanted me to wait. I waited".

"Yeah, well, what I want and what you think Bre needs might have been two different things", I pointed out.

He looked at the road. "I know this is hard for you. I waited".

"Thank you", I said, tearing up. "Tell me what you know".

I listened patiently as Brad gave me all the details. I started feeling panicky and had to consciously make myself breathe as he was talking about a C-section.

"Baby?", he asked, slapping my thigh gently.

"Everyone is okay?", I managed to gasp out.

"Everything went just fine, babe", he said. "Bre's healing well and Ava is a large, healthy child".

I struggled to breathe and started tearing up.

"Take some breaths", he said quietly. "Focus on that".

Tears started leaking out.

"Do I need to pull over?", he asked.

I shook my head no and focused on breathing. Finally I could speak again.

"Why? Why the fuck did she have to come that way!?!? Was Steve okay?"

"As far as I know, yes. He didn't say anything otherwise. I do know Bre was really upset about the possibility, but Ava wasn't head down so she figured it would probably have to be a C-section. I also know she was begging her doctor to get Ava out well before the other due date".

I knew he was trying to soften me up toward Bre, and I did know she really didn't deserve any of the hatred I had toward her, but I couldn't help it. I still hated her a bit. She had a baby and I didn't. It wasn't right but that's how I felt.

"Anything else I should know?", I asked. "Anything at all? A surprise isn't going to go well".

"I gave baby Ava a bracelet, too", he said. "From both of us", he added, squeezing my thigh. "Since you couldn't come to the baby shower".

I nodded. That was okay.

"Gold?", I asked.

"Yeah", he said. "How'd you know I'd pick that?"

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