Chapter Fifty

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I woke up with sunlight shining in my eyes and a pounding in my head. I felt Rev's massive arm underneath my side and I really had to pee. I carefully got up and felt my head spin.

Not good.

I'd be puking sometime soon. I carefully climbed out of bed, lost my balance, and fell against the chair in the room. Rev woke and instantly got up to guide me to the bathroom.

"All right then, love?"

"I'll be puking soon", I said, as he helped me land on the toilet.

"I figured", he said.

As soon as I was done going to the bathroom, I drank some water from the bathroom sink, then immediately turned and threw that up, along with all the stomach acid which I knew had to come up.

My hair was still in a ponytail from yesterday so I didn't need him to hold it back. He helped me stand and brush my teeth, then pulled his shirt over my head and got me back to bed.

Two hours later I woke up again, and he was gone but had left me a note next to my phone that he was getting food. My head no longer hurt or was spinning but my stomach still felt awful. I knew from experience I would need to throw up at least once more. I slowly went to the bathroom and threw up before even drinking any water, then brushed my teeth and laid back in bed.

I checked my phone. I had texts from Brad, Jake, Clay, and Bre. Both Brad and Bre wanted calls back, but I knew they were both at work, and I didn't feel like talking to her today.

I texted Clay and Jake to let them both know I was puking but alive, and then tried I Brad.


Brad had drifted off to sleep after Bre had loved him with her beautiful body. He was extremely touched that she had instigated it and executed it without any prompting or guidance from him at all. That showed real trust and confidence on her part, and he was proud of her. Plus, it was exactly what he needed in that moment, and he was so thankful for her.

He woke up still worried about Paige, and he texted her to call him when she got up.

Around eleven, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He stopped what he was doing and answered. There was no one around him at that moment.

"Baby, I was worried", he said. "Are you still sick?"

"What?", she asked. "How did you know? Who told you?"

"Clay, and then I talked to Rev. You were right next to him when I called. You don't remember?"



"How are you feeling?", he asked.

"I've puked twice but coming around", she said.

"Where's Rev?", he asked.

"I'm not sure. I woke up and he left a note he was getting food".

"Do you remember fighting him?", he asked.

"Yeah...I didn't want to leave the bar", she said.

"Clay said you bit him?", Brad asked, chuckling.

"Wait, what?! Who? I bit who? Clay? Or Rev?"

Clearly she didn't remember.

"Rev", he replied.

"Shit. No. I don't remember that. Everything is fuzzy after getting in the car".

"Why did you drink that much, baby?", he asked gently.

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