Saturday morning I practiced the wedding songs with Brittany's husband, Adam, and a pianist named Mackenzie. I had played with her on a Sunday morning before and knew her from church band practice. By the time we were done, it was lunch time. I checked my phone. Brad had messaged that they were waiting for me at home and wanted to go to Steve's to shoot when I was done.
I texted Brad I was on my way and headed home.
Rev had been strategically placed on the road so Paige wouldn't see him when she left for church. He followed her at a reasonable distance and kept his eyes peeled for anyone looking like they were following her. At the church, he circled the lot and the entire complex several times but didn't see anything. He reported back to Brad, who seemed relieved. Rev decided to come back to the house then since he didn't think she was in immediate danger.
"Can we actually shoot at Andy's?", Rev asked Brad.
"I'm not sure but Steve's would probably be the better place".
"Can we ask him?", Rev pressed.
"Sure. Remember, though, Steve can't know the real reason".
I arrived home to find Brad and Rev throwing knives. Brad was getting better, I was pleased to note.
"You guys need lunch?", I asked.
"We ate, baby. We're going to Steve's as soon as you're ready".
"Okay". I made some peanut butter toast, ate it, and changed from my church clothing to hot weather gun shooting attire.
I put on a black racer back bra, a pastel purple and blue striped racer back tank top, short cut off denim shorts, and purple converse flats. I took my pink handgun from the nightstand, made sure the safety was on, and stuck it in the back of my waistband. Then I braided my hair in a tight french braid and put on a faded blue baseball cap.
I ran downstairs and stuck my head outside.
I grabbed three waters and my purse.
Brad came in the patio door and locked it behind himself, then grabbed me and kissed me, shoving his tongue in my mouth, and grabbing my butt with both hands. After a long moment, he released me and patted my butt.
"Missed you", he said. "We're taking Rev's truck".
"I like it when you miss me", I said playfully.
"Get out there", he said, in mock anger and swatted my butt as I laughed and went out the front door. He locked it behind us. Brad had on old jeans and a lightweight navy blue v-neck t-shirt, which made his eyes look darker blue. His hair was getting a little longer than I preferred it, about jaw length, and he had on an old faded red baseball cap.
Rev's truck was at the curb, a fierce looking black Ford F-150 with extra-large everything and an intimidating looking grill.
There was only one door, so that meant only one seat. I opened it. Yep, I'd be sitting between them. I set the waters on the seat and started to climb up, using both hands.
Rev started laughing. "Give her a toss, yeah?"
Brad grabbed my waist and gave me a boost.
"Very funny, fuckers", I grumbled, getting my seatbelt on.

The Neverending Hangover
Romantik*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection was inexplicable, but this with Rev was something else. It was different but just as impressive. Was I cursed or blessed to have two amazing...