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The next two days they toured so many places. They spent some quality times together which was really relaxing. This place is really good.

Mark fell in love with this place. There are so many natural sites which are more than enough for someone to relax after some hectic schedules. He was in his room alone because Hyuck was busy helping his mom making dinner. These two days, Donghyuck stayed with him almost every second of the day and for Mark those moments were like dream.

But now Hyuck isn't with him and he is missing him terribly. And there was nothing to do too. He huffed as he became bored. The sun is still there so he decided to just tour around the house a little. He left the room and started to walk to the kitchen to inform Hyuck. To reach the kitchen, he needed to go through a corridor.

There were so many photos of Donghyuck with his family, hanging on the wall of the long corridor. There were some photos of his schooldays days too. When he saw closely , he saw Jaemin. Both of them were little and cute.

He smiled again and continued walking to the kitchen. When he reached the kitchen , he called Hyuck who was frying something.


Hyuck looked at him and asked,

"Mark?? What are you doing here? Do you need anything?"

"No . Actually I am going out. I will come back before dinner." Mark said, coming closer to him.

"No. You can't go alone. You don't know this place well." He said , shaking his head.

Mark pouted and looked at his mom in law who just smiled at his cute son in law.

"I won't go far I promise. I will be back in one hour. And I will call you if something happens " Mark said .

Donghyuck sighed heavily. He can't deny now.

"Fine. Did you take your jacket? It will get colder" He said coming closer to Mark.

Mark nodded his head, showing his jacket which was in his hand. Hyuck nodded his head and gave a kiss on his cheek.

"Be careful and call me if something happens or you get lost. I am sorry I am busy right now. " He said caressing Mark's cheek.

"It's ok Hyuckie and don't worry. I will be back soon. " Mark said and kissed his forehead before leaving the kitchen.

Donghyuck returned to the stove and continued his task.

"He is such a good boy" His mom said, smiling .

Donghyuck looked at her and nodded his head.

"He is."

"I still remember that day when his parents died. You were so little at that time. We went to Seoul after getting the news. Mark cried so much that day. At first he couldn't understand what was happening but when he saw his parents' motionless bodies he...." His mom couldn't continue. It was such a tragic day.

Donghyuck stopped his task and stood still. His heart clenched badly imagining Mark crying.

"After his parents death, he was sent to a boarding school. He was bullied there badly. Children used to call him cursed because of his parents death. You know how kids are . They used to tell him that because of him his parents died."

Hyuck couldn't believe his ears. How can someone be this cruel. Children or not. Those words are poisonous.

"Time to time, we went there to check on him. He wasn't happy at all. But he never complained. He accepted his fate. He suffered a lot. I am happy that you married him Hyuck. I am so grateful. I feel proud that my son could be someone's reason of happiness. He seems so happy now"

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