Chapter 2

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The next morning, you woke up and got changed into your bathing suit. You put some clothes over the top of it and then quickly tied your hair in a ponytail. You packed your bag, before slipping some trainers on and heading out the door to go and fetch Daniel and then Freddy. 

You made your way up to Daniel's front door, paused for a moment as you took a nervous sigh, and knocked three times on the door. The woman you saw with the yellow basket yesterday answered. 
"Oh hello again!" She greeted upon recognising you from yesterday, "I don't think we ever got a chance to introduce ourselves. I'm Lucille LaRusso." She held her hand out and you shook it.
"Nice to meet you Lucille, I'm y/n l/n." You replied with a smile.
"Ah, so you're the one who's invited Daniel to this beach party. Let me get him, for you." She turned around and yelled, "Daniel! y/n's here!"
"I'm coming, Ma!" He called from his room.

Within moments he was scrambling hastily out of his room and making his way to the front door. Upon seeing you, he smiled. You returned a warm smile.
"Hey y/n." 
"Hey Daniel, you ready?"
"Yeah, let's go." He grabbed some things off the kitchen counter and came to the door, "See you, Ma."
"Have a great time, you guys!" She waved as you lead Daniel to Freddy's apartment. 

"Hi y/n. Who's this?" Freddy asked when he opened the door and saw Daniel there.
"Freddy, this is Daniel." You introduced him.
"Hiya Daniel. Freddy Fernandez." Freddy shook Daniel's hand.
"Daniel LaRusso." Daniel replied. The three of you made your way and started walking down the stairs.
"Let's go or we'll miss this bus." You pointed out as you lead the boys walking behind you. 

The three of you caught the bus to the beach. It seemed that Daniel and Freddy were really getting along - the three of you were using the bus ride as a great opportunity to get to know each other.

When you arrived at the beach, you could see Ali was already there. Her friends Susan and Barbara - who you got along with - were also there, among some other girls they knew. Freddy went off to see his friends.
"Hey Daniel, wanna play soccer?" He yelled, holding up a ball. Daniel turned to look at the guys, then turned back to you.
"You alright if I play soccer with these guys?" He asked you.
"Yeah sure, go ahead!" You replied warmly, "Enjoy yourself."
"You're not gonna be alone, are you?"
"No," You turned and pointed to Ali and everyone else in the distance, "My friends are over there."
"Okay great." Daniel smiled, before turning and running over to Freddy and his friends. You turned and began making your way over to the girls.

As you approached their heads started turning in your direction. 
"Hey y/n!" Ali waved.
"Hi Ali." You sat down, "Hi Susan, hi Barbara." 
"Hi." Susan and Barbara replied in unison. 
"How's your summer been?" Ali asked you.
"Great thanks. How about you?" 
"Yeah it's been cool." It was then she noticed you were wearing clothes - not bathing suits like everyone else, "Hey haven't you got a bathing suit?"
"Oh yeah." You laughed, before pulling your t-shirt and shorts off to reveal your white bathing suit, "Shall we go for a dip then?"
"Yeah sure, but watch out." Barbara replied, pointing behind you. It was the guys. Their game of soccer was moving towards you. By the time they got to you girls they were kicking sand about like maniacs trying to get the ball. It brought a smile to your face to see Daniel enjoying himself. But upon seeing you he stopped.

"Oh god I'm sorry, y/n." He apologised, a little puffed out.
"Nah it's fine, I told you to enjoy yourself." You smiled. He smiled back. But it was when he looked past you that he caught sight of Ali. The smile turned into gazing at her. Your heart sank. Do something, you told yourself.

"Ali, this is Daniel." You introduced, "Daniel this is Ali."
Ali didn't say anything; she just looked up and gave him a smile. That made him smile more than you'd seen him smile since you met him. Having made your stupid move, you got up and made your way down the beach and into the sea. You hadn't even known him for 24 hours, and already it seemed his sight was set on another girl.

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