Chapter 21

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"Hey, Mrs LaRusso," Lou began in the back seat of Mrs LaRusso's car, "My house is down to the right, and you just turned left."
"Are you kidding?" Mrs LaRusso laughed, "You two do wanna come with us to the restaurant, right?"
"What, both of us?" Holly began, "Oh Mrs LaRusso, that's very kind of you but we -"
"Dude, shut up!" Lou nudged Holly, "If someone else is paying, we're going!" Everyone in the car broke out in laughter. 

You arrived at the restaurant and stood outside waiting for a few minutes before Daniel and Mr Miyagi arrived. 
"Hey..." Daniel smiled as he came - well, more like hobbled - over to you.
"Oh Daniel!" You cried, flinging your arms round him, "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you. I'm still trying to get over the fact I did it." He pulled away from the hug, "I couldn't have done it without any of you guys there to support me."

The meal was great; it was filled with laughter and joy and smiles. You had a great time. And it was obvious the night had been a great success when Maddy came up to you as you were leaving the restaurant.
"y/n?" She began, "You know what I said before about how it was kinda stupid for you to get with the guy who kicked you in the face with a gate?"
"Yes?" You laughed.
"Well I take it back." She continued, "I'm sorry for what I said about him. You wanted a knight in shining armour, instead you got a New Jersey guy in a karate outfit thing but -"
"Actually, it's called a -" You went to correct her.
"Uh, let me finish." She continued, "He's perfect for you, y/n, and I'm so happy you got the guy of your dreams."
"Oh Mads," You picked her up and swung her round, making her giggle, "I suppose I should apologise too, because it turns out you do know a lot about love."

It was now late in the evening. Everyone had been dropped home. You were making your way up the steps to your apartment with Maddy, Mrs LaRusso and Daniel. 
"I'm tired, so I'm gonna head inside." Maddy yawned. You nodded and sent her on her way. 
"I agree with Maddy." Mrs LaRusso opened the door to her apartment and made her way inside, "Should I give you two a minute?"
"Yeah, thanks Ma." Daniel replied. Mrs LaRusso smiled and shut the door, leaving just you and Daniel standing outside.

"You have no idea how proud I am of you." You beamed. 
"Well, that's what I was hoping for. To make you proud." He smiled nervously.
"Hey, I was proud of you the moment you stepped onto the mat for the first time." 
Seemingly pleased by your words, he took your hand and pulled you towards him so that he could kiss you. You kissed him back and he held you from the waist.

"These have been the best twenty four hours of my life." He chuckled as he pulled away.
"Oh come on." You laughed, "Although I do believe we were standing here together this time yesterday evening."
"We should make it a tradition." He joked.
"What, meet out on the balcony and kiss every night?" You laughed.
"Sounds great to me." He smirked, before kissing you once more.

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