Chapter 15

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"How are you?" Lou asked as the two of you sat down near the back of the bus.
"I didn't sleep much." You groaned.
Lou chuckled, "It's his birthday today. You got him anything?"
"Are you kidding me?" You scoffed, "I'm still trying to get over the fact he broke my heart like that. I thought he was different."
"And he is, y/n." Lou insisted, "Give him another chance."
"Why are you so pressed about this? I've given him enough chances, Lou!" You cried, until you look up and saw him getting on the bus, "Anyway duck your head down, he's getting on now."
"Listen," Lou whispered as you hid, "You're still coming to golf n' stuff with Holly and I tonight, aren't you?" There was silence, "Come on, it'll make you feel better."
"Okay," You agreed, "I'll go."

That was the only thing that kept you going throughout the day. You successfully avoided Ali and Daniel for the whole day. Lou and Holly were there beside you most of the time anyway. 

You pulled up at golf n' stuff later that evening. Lou's mom had dropped the three of you off.
"See you guys in two hours, yeah?" Her mom asked as you all got out of the car.
"You got it, Mom." Lou replied, "Thanks."
"Yeah thank you, Mrs Taylor." You smiled.
"Thanks Aunt Eve." Holly added, before Lou's mom drove off. 

You were enjoying yourself at the arcade playing a game when someone came up and leaned against the machine. You turned and it was Daniel. What the hell was he doing here?
"Hey." He smirked. It annoyed you to see him acting all okay after what happened the day before. You didn't say anything and continued with the game.
"I wanted to start off by apologising." He began.
"Fine you apologised." You replied shortly.
"Y'know I got my driving licence?" He continued.
"Nice, what did you do?" You replied bluntly with no emotion.
"Hey, what's with you?" He snapped.
"You expecting me to do cartwheels or something?" You scoffed, walking away from him and going to find another game. They all followed.

"No, in fact I was expecting a little more courtesy." Daniel replied.
"Oh really, you want courtesy even after yesterday?" You argued.
"That'd be the least you could do."
"The least I could do?" He'd really pushed a button with you, "Oh, you are on fire tonight!"
"Huh, the same couldn't be said for you, could it?" He replied sarcastically.
"You know what, you're right." You gave him a sly smile, "Maybe it's not you. Maybe I just fall for the wrong guy all the time." You barged past him and marched out the arcade.

"What the hell Daniel?" You heard Lou yell.
"Yeah, nice work." Holly added.

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