Chapter 3

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The day just seemed to go even slower from there. You hadn't spoken to Daniel since you'd introduced him to Ali. There were moments where you tried to sneak away from the party, but every time you tried one of the girls called you over. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Freddy came over to you late in the evening. The girls and guys were gathered around separate campfires. You'd distanced yourself away from everyone and was sitting close to the sea. Freddy had noticed you hadn't been yourself ever since you got to the beach. You turned and looked over your shoulder at Daniel. He was teaching Ali how to keep the ball up with your knee. 
"Yeah I'm alright." You sighed.
"It's Daniel, isn't it?" He replied, "I'm sorry, I'm not really helping. I just purposefully kicked the ball over there so he could go over and talk to the blond girl."
"Oh it's alright." You lied - it wasn't alright. You were pissed off. But it wasn't Freddy you were pissed off with; you were pissed off with yourself. 

What was I thinking? You thought to yourself, inviting Daniel to this party when I knew Ali was gonna be here. Of course he was gonna like her. She's blond and pretty and sweet. I've never been anything but second best. 

"Okay, well I'm gonna go back to the guys. Why don't you come back with me?" Freddy offered.
"I'm good thank you, Freddy." You declined his offer as you pulled your knees to your chest. Freddy said nothing and went back to the guys. 

You sat there for a moment. Suddenly a ball hit you in the back. 
"Ah!" You cried. 
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry y/n!" Ali yelled from up the beach. You turned to look at her.
"It's okay!" You shouted, before turning back to face the sea. A couple of seconds later you could hear footsteps running up behind you. Turning around you saw it was Daniel who had come to fetch the ball.

"Sorry about that, y/n." Daniel apologised as he picked up the ball, "Are you okay? You've been sitting here for quite a while."
"Oh, it's nothing." You gave him a faint smile. He wasn't convinced with your answer.
"Well it's gotta be something." He came and sat next to you, "You can tell me."
You turned to look at him, "Thank you, but it really is nothing."

Just as he went to open his mouth, you heard the sound of motorbike engines revving. You turned your head and groaned - it was Johnny Lawrence and his gang. 
"You better go. Looks like she's in trouble." You pointed out. Daniel turned to see a bunch of motorbikes pulling up on the beach. A tall blond guy was approaching Ali. 
"I better go have a look. But I'll come back." He reassured you. This time your smile was a little more convincing. 

As Daniel ran up the beach you began to stand up and watch what happened from afar. First Johnny came and sat next to Ali. He turned the radio off, but then Ali turned it back on. And then he turned it off again. Ali responded the same. Johnny picked up the radio and held it away from Ali. It was when she reached and turned it back on he threw it on the ground and broke it. That provoked you to begin marching up the beach. Before you could get there, Daniel had picked the radio up and was just about to hand it to Ali when Johnny knocked it out of his hand, before using it to push Daniel to the ground. You stopped and let out a gasp. 

Daniel shoved the radio to the side and stood up. Freddy tried to stop him but Daniel launched himself at Johnny. 
"No!" You yelled and began running towards the scene, but Johnny had already tripped Daniel up and he was laying on the ground.
"Johnny stop it!" Ali cried as she and Susan fought for Johnny's friends to let go of her. Just as you got close enough you felt a grip on your arm.
"Leave it, y/n!" Freddy yelled protectively as Daniel was tripped up yet again. You broke free from his grip and managed to help Daniel up, but couldn't get a word out to him and beg him to stop before he was readying his fists to swing a punch. This time Freddy and one of his friends grabbed hold of you. 

Johnny spun round and kicked Daniel in the stomach. Daniel fell to the ground in pain. It was harder to break free from both Freddy and his friend, as much as you tried. All you could do now was watch. 

"Look you started this!" Johnny went over to Ali, "All I wanted to do was talk to you."
"Just leave him alone and we'll go talk!" Ali pleaded.
"Yeah, where did I hear that before?" Johnny scoffed, before marching over to Daniel.
"What about you, hero? Had enough?"

At that moment Daniel swung for Johnny and hit him right in the nose, making him bleed.
"Okay man. Now we're even, huh!" Daniel remarked, putting his fists up. You could see Johnny wasn't going to take any more of this. He kicked Daniel in the stomach twice, before punching him. It hit Daniel in the eye and he fell to the ground. You were trying even harder now to break free. Johnny ignored you. Freddy and his friend eventually let you go.

"Let go of me!" Ali shrieked as she broke free and continually hit Johnny in the stomach.
"It's your fault!" Johnny protested.
"It's not my fault." Ali replied.
"It is your fault!" Johnny shouted.
"Everything is your fault!" Ali yelled, "Why do you have to always fight, huh?"

"You sure pick cool people to be friends with, Freddy." The guy that was holding you scoffed.
"Where'd you find this guy?" Another one laughed, "Come on let's go." 
Freddy's friends started to leave, just leaving you and Freddy looking at Daniel, coughing and spluttering on the ground. Freddy sighed, and turned away to leave.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" You snapped.
"Home." Freddy scoffed, "And thanks for letting me take the blame."
"Good God, you're pathetic!" You yelled, "He's just got beaten up and you're gonna leave him because of what your stupid friends say?"
Freddy said nothing and turned his back and walked off.
"Oh, screw you all!" You cried, and turned your attention to Daniel.

"Are you okay?" You asked, kneeling down by his side.
"Just leave me alone." He sighed.
"Hey Daniel, do you want us to help or...?" Ali came over.
"No, just leave me alone. I'm okay." Daniel replied. 
"Come on guys, let's go."  Barbara came over and put her hand on Ali's shoulder, "Come on, it's better if we leave him alone. Come on." She took Ali and put her arm around her. You stood up and debated it for a while, before following them up the beach and leaving Daniel laying there.

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