Chapter 16

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Lou and Holly found you leaned up against the railings, watching the people on the waterslide. They came over to you.
"Hey are you alright?" Holly asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You replied, "You guys go back inside, I'll join you once hurricane LaRusso has passed."
"Are you sure?" Lou put her arm around you.
"Yes I'm sure, you guys go have fun." You smiled. The two turned around and made their way back inside.

After standing there for a while you felt someone tap on your shoulder.
"Listen, I'm a jerk." Daniel sighed. You didn't turn around.
"You are a jerk." You replied.
"So am I forgiven?" He asked, finally sounding like himself. The Daniel you'd first had a crush on was there. You began to butterflies like you used to when you were around him.
"Huh? I don't hear anything." He continued, "Sounds like a yes to me."
You turned around and smiled at him.
"Come here." He held his arms out to you and you let him pull you into a long hug. 

"Listen, I gotta say something." He began. You looked up at him with his arms around your waist.
"Whatever you think about you being second best, you gotta stop thinking it."
You laughed nervously.
"Ah come on, you're smart enough to know that's not true. When I first met you, you seemed so full of joy and laughter." He smiled, "It seems like these past few weeks she's disappeared."
"Hmm, I wonder why?" You smirked.
"There she is!" He laughed, before he continued, "The truth is I was nervous to ask you out. I thought you only saw me as a friend."
"I thought you only saw me as a friend!" You cried, before the two of you burst out laughing.
"I thought you weren't interested in me from the start." Daniel continued, "So when I met Ali at the beach that's when things got complicated. After that fight with Johnny I felt like I had to put on a show, which got harder as I got closer to you. You were never second best."

It took you a while to process it. All your life you'd thought when the dream guy came along he'd be too busy with all the pretty and popular girls. But here he was, wanting to date you. At that moment stopped and looked in each others eyes. Before you knew it, Daniel had leaned forward and kissed you on the lips. A surge of emotions came over you. It was the best first kiss ever.

The two of you pulled away after a while and smiled. Then your face fell.
"Oh crap, it's your birthday!" You remembered, "I didn't get you anything, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, don't worry about it, I just got the best birthday present." He replied, beaming at you. You could feel your cheeks going bright red.
"Is there a spare seat for me at this karate tournament of yours tomorrow?" You smirked.
"Sure there is." He smiled, "Hey, can I show you something?"
"Just come with me." He took you by the hand and the two of you ran across the parking lot. He took you towards a beautiful yellow car.

"Do you like it?" He smiled.
"Is this yours?" You asked in astonishment.
"Yeah, it sure is." He replied.
"Oh my God, it's beautiful!" You exclaimed, admiring the car, "I love it."
"Wanna try it out?" He asked.
"You want me to drive?" You giggled.
"Hey, it's the 80s!" He laughed. 
"Alright!" You opened the driver door and jumped into the car. Daniel helped you start it up and turn on the lights. 

"Okay, hold on!" You laughed as you made your way out of the parking lot, "Wow this is so awesome! How fast can it go?"
"Let's not find out." Daniel chuckled, as you pulled away and drove off into the night.

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