Chapter 14

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"y/n," Lou pleaded with you from outside your stall, "I hate to break it to you but it's fourth period, we gotta go."
You said nothing.
"Come on, y/n, please just say something." Lou begged, "You haven't said anything for fifteen minutes."
Again, you said nothing.
"Well, I'm not leaving until you say something."
"But you just said it was fourth period." You eventually replied.
"Finally..." Lou sighed with relief, "Are you at least gonna tell me what's going on?"
"It was Daniel." You began, "I owe you one, really. If you hadn't told me what happened on Friday night then I would've genuinely thought Daniel wanted to go out with me and not just use me as his plan B."
"Hold up, hold up; Daniel asked you out?" Lou could hardly believe her ears, "Well what are you in here crying for? You've dreamed of this moment for three months now!"
"Didn't you hear me?" You stood up and opened the stall door to face Lou, "I was clearly his backup plan if things went wrong with Ali, and I'm not gonna stand for that! And besides, why would he then tell me to get lost and call me and Ali a waste of his time? Huh?"
"You know his temper gets the better of him." Lou pleaded, but you didn't wanna hear another excuse she'd make up for him. You stormed out of the bathrooms and began making your way to fourth period, trying your hardest not to start crying again.
"y/n, just listen to me!" Lou called out as you marched away.
"I'll see you on the bus, Lou." You replied sharply.

As soon as the school bus pulled up at your stop you ran off so you wouldn't have to speak to Daniel. You'd sat near the front to make sure that was the case. When you got through the front door you slammed it shut behind you.
"Honey, please don't slam the door like that." Your mom came out from the bathroom, but she saw the solemn look on your face. "Are you okay? Did something happen at school?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." You brushed past her and began making your way to your room.
"Are you sure, sweetheart?" Your mom followed you.
"I said I don't wanna talk about it!" You yelled, before slamming your bedroom door in her face, fell back on your bed, not coming out of your room for the rest of the evening.

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