Chapter 18

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The next morning you got up early and rode your bike to Lou's house. You were so excited about what happened last night that you had to tell her. After all, you'd left with Daniel and not told her where you'd gone. It was quite early in the morning. You'd left a note on your bedside table to tell your parents where you'd gone, as everyone in your apartment was still asleep when you left.

You arrived outside Lou's house and placed your bike down on the drive. At the front of the house all the curtains were shut, so you rung the doorbell and stepped back. You looked up at the windows and saw some curtains open. It was Lou at her window. You smiled and waved for her to come down. She closed the curtains and after a while she emerged at the front door.

"y/n, I was gonna call you this morning." She began, standing there in her pyjamas, "Where did you go last night?"
"I went off with Daniel," You beamed, "We're dating now. And I'm the happiest I've ever been."
"Wait what?" Lou cried, "What did I miss?"
"A lot, as it turns out." You laughed, "It turns out that we both thought the other person only saw them as a friend, that's why we never got anywhere for three months."
"But what about him asking Ali out?" Lou asked.
"That was all just a show to make Johnny jealous." You replied, "If he'd never gotten in that fight I don't think he would've continued bothering with her."
"Isn't that a little cruel?" She said seriously, before laughing, "I'm kidding! She's getting what she deserves for backstabbing you!"
"Oh Lou, I'm so sorry I was so blind about Ali before." You flung your arms around her, "I'm sorry I went to her parties and hung out with her some days." You hugged her tighter, "Thank you for always being there for me."
"Hey, don't apologise. We live and we learn. And I'm your best friend, I'll always be here for you." She replied, pulling out of the hug, "I can't wait to see Ali's face when she finds out you're with Daniel."
The two of you laughed at the thought.
"Oh and by the way," Lou continued, "Is there gonna be a spare seat at this karate tournament of Daniel's?"
"That's exactly what I said to him." You laughed, "But yes, I think I can squeeze you in. And Holly if she wants to go."


It was when you were coming up the stairs that lead to your apartment that Daniel's front door opened and he emerged.
"Hey!" You smiled, giving him a quick kiss, "Did you get any sleep?"
"Yeah, surprisingly." He laughed, "Where did you go?"
"Oh, just to visit Lou." You replied, "You wouldn't mind if her and Holly come to the tournament, would you?"
"No, of course not." He smiled, "I didn't have much of a cheering section anyway. Does your sister wanna come or is she not into that kinda stuff?"
"Oh no, she's definitely into that kinda stuff." You chuckled, "The amount of bruises she's given me, but I'm always the one blamed for provoking our fights. Anyway, I'll go ask." You turned and went to head for your apartment.

"Mads?" You called, making your way into her room.
"Hey get out of my room!" She protested.
"Do you wanna come with me this afternoon to Daniel's karate tournament?" You asked, ignoring her remark.
"Oh yeah!" She exclaimed, leaping off her bed.
"What's this about a karate tournament?" Your mom peered her head round the corner of Maddy's room. I guess I should tell her now, you thought to yourself.

"Mom," You began, "Y'know the guy in apartment 20? Daniel LaRusso?"
"Oh yeah..." She raised an eyebrow, "What's he done now? He's caused you enough trouble, you're lucky I haven't told your dad otherwise Daniel would be six feet under by now."
"No Mom, he's done nothing. In fact I got it all wrong about him." You began, "We spoke yesterday and sorted things, and now..." You trailed off. Maddy took this as an opportunity to finish for you.
"They're dating." Maddy teased. You turned and gave her a death stare and mouthed, 'I hate you'. But before you could launch for her, your mom was pulling you into a hug.

"Oh, y/n that's amazing." She smiled, "Is he a good fighter?"
"Mom!" You exclaimed.
"What? I want a guy to be able to protect my daughter!" She teased, making all of you laugh.

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