Chapter 11

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A couple of weeks passed. You were beginning to accept the fact Ali had got in your way again. You and Daniel would continue as friends, but as for Ali you were done with her. Although she hadn't seemed to get the message.

"y/n," Ali came over to your table where you were sitting with Holly and Lou outside, "Can I talk to you for a second?"
You looked up at her, "What about?"
"You've been kinda distant with me for a while now." She asked, putting her tray down and pausing for a moment, "Daniel suggested I talk to you."
That was it. Just the mention of his ignited a great flame of anger inside you.

"Look Ali," You stood up, "I don't really wanna talk to you. And please tell Daniel he can take his suggestions and shove it up his ass hole." And you marched off. There were tears in your eyes and you couldn't let Ali - or anyone for that matter - see you breakdown. 

You found a corner and hid yourself round it and cried up against the wall. Telling yourself you were done with trying to make an effort with Daniel was one of the worst things you could've done to yourself. It just bottled up all these emotions inside you, and you hadn't had a chance to let them out. Sooner rather than later, you felt some arms wrap around you. You turned and sobbed into Lou.

"I could've lived with it if it was just Johnny." You cried, "But this is Daniel. Ever since he kicked that gate open in my face I've been in love with him. I'm never gonna be good enough for anyone, Lou."
"Now come on," Lou began seriously, "What did I say about saying things like that?"
"Oh but Lou, it's true." You continued, "I'm not blond, I'm not pretty and I'm not her."

"Hey, are you alright y/n?" Daniel's voice came up from behind. You pulled away from Lou and gave him a look, before turning and running off. Daniel went to follow you, but Lou put a hand out and stopped him.
"Believe me, you are the last person she wants to talk to right now." Lou advised.
"But I care about her, she's my best friend." Daniel protested.
"Oh, bullshit!" Lou yelled, "Just get off her case!" She ran to catch up with you, leaving Daniel standing there in disbelief.

Lou had to go right to the back of the school to find you. You were sitting up against a wall with your knees pulled up to your chest. Your face was red and blotchy from crying.
"Did you tell Daniel where he could shove it?" You laughed sarcastically.
"More or less." Lou came and sat next to you and put her arm around your shoulders, "Guys like him... you've just gotta let go."
"No, Lou, don't you see?" You looked at her, "There are no other guys like him. I hate him so goddamn much because I'm going crazy for him."
"I know." Lou paused, "Guys are really shit, aren't they?"
You laughed, "Yeah, they're the worst."

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