chapter 5

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Abby's Pov

I woke up in the hospital and I immediately remembered what happened. My mom was sitting in a chair next to my hospital bed sleeping. I woke her up and she immediately hugged me.

"Oh my god I'm so glad you're okay"

"Why?" She didn't need me to clarify she knew exactly what I was talking about

"Honey, everything is gonna work out. You just need to trust me. Okay?" I just nodded my head. How was I supposed to trust her when she let a man who hit me live in the same house as me.

The nurse came in clearing me to go home because nothing was seriously wrong with me. I had a panic attack but obviously couldn't tell her the real reason. I was honest when I said it was my first but I gave a fake reason as to why it happened.

My mom drove me home and I got dressed so I could go to school. She recommended I stay home but I didn't want to be home right now, so I convinced her to let me go to school. She eventually gave in and is now dropping me off. I went straight to my creative writing class which is right before lunch.

I walked in and gave the late note the office gave me. I then went to my seat and payed attention to the lesson. Today was my lucky day because we're doing a partner project. The teacher explained in detail what we were gonna be doing and it honestly sounded fun.

"Okay I will begin reading off the partners" Oh and he is assigning partners "First partner pair is Johnathan and Sierra" Thank god it wasn't me "Next pair is Becca and Tim" "Abby and Josh" What? Josh and me? It really is my lucky day! He finished reading the partners and then said "Okay go find your partner and discuss how you will do the project"

I went to sit by Josh and couldn't stop a smile from spreading on my face when he looked at me. The teacher must've given out the paper for the project before I got here because he had one. We looked over the page and decided what we would be doing and then exchanged numbers. The bell rang signaling it was time for lunch.

"See you later partner" Josh said with a smile and then walked off. I felt someone staring at me and I looked over to see Johnathan glaring at me. I didn't have time to think through why he would be glaring so I ignored him and walked out. I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face walking to lunch with Sierra.


After school I stayed in my room till Sierra got there to pick me up. We decided to go to a party tonight to get me out of the house. This party was at Lahey's house. He has a pool so I put my bikini under my outfit. My outfit was a short summer dress. It was navy blue with little white flowers. I paired my white high top converse with it and grabbed my bag heading out to Sierras car.

"Damn girl you look hot"

I laughed as I was climbing into the car "Thanks, so do you" She laughed too and started driving. One of our favorite songs by the boy band Why Don't We came on and we were screaming the lyrics. The windows were down and the volume was up loud. I love car rides like this.

When we arrived to Lahey's house we went to the backyard where everyone else was. I grabbed a drink with Sierra and was sipping on it as we walked around looking for Maddy and Dylan. It took us about 10 minutes or asking random people if they've seen them but we eventually found them. They were dancing in the house with others. Instead of questioning them we joined them and started dancing.

We danced for a solid 30 minutes. I was sweating like a pig. Swaying my hips from left to right and my hands being above my head moving to the beat. Randomly jumping as a group when the beat dropped. I had a few more drinks during the dance sesh but not too many. I was still sober enough to be aware of everything.

After dancing I yelled over the music so Sierra, Maddy, and Dylan could here me. "Let's go swim!" They all nodded to my statement agreeing with me. As a group we made our way outside to the pool. I took my dress off and set it down on the table along with my phone.

We had a few splash fights and other types of water fights. We were having a lot of fun. Yelling cuss words at each other and laughing. There was a lot of screaming involved too. It was awesome. When I climbed out to check my phone Johnathan came up to me with a cocky grin. I didn't miss the fact that he checked me out. I mean I can't blame him I don't have clothes on.

"Hey Richards"

"What's up?"

"Wanna race?"

"What do I win?" I obviously don't care. Just beating him is enough of a prize.

"Nothing" He looked at me with an empty expression showing how dumb that question was. Lahey's also lived on a lake. If I didn't mention that yet. The lake had this little island in the middle of it too it was really cool.

"Where would we race?"

"In the lake. First one to the island and back wins" He shrugged looking out at the lake.

"Okay let's do it" I looked at him and then at the pool. The fights had calmed down and people were just talking now. "I'm gonna race Johnathan!" I yelled to my friends. They looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. After the thumbs up I walked over to Johnathan and let him lead the way.

We got to the doc and he counted down from 3. I immediately dove into the water. I was a fast swimmer. I used to be on the swim team freshman year but I quite. I got to the island and looked up seeing where Johnathan was. He was a few strokes behind me. I smiled and then started swimming back to the doc. I got there first obviously and waited for him.

"How the fuck do you swim so fast?" He asked me out of breath

"I was on the swim team for a year I don't know. Or i'm just better than you?" I said with a shrug

"Whatever" he muttered

"Aww is your big ego bruised?" I said with a baby voice "want me to kiss it better?" I stuck my bottom lip out and tilted my head with a teasing look in my eye.

"My ego is just fine thank you" he stuck his chin up and walked away with the attitude of a 5th grade girl

I walked back to the pool happy with my win and joined back in with all the fun.


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