chapter 32

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Johnnys Pov

Tonight me and Abby are going on an official date. The first one since becoming official in a real way and I get to surprise her with a location. It's been a few days since I finally told her and i'm so glad I did. I didn't expect her to feel the same way but i'm glad she does. We are in the honey moon phase and we're aware of that. Sierra likes to make gagging noises when we're around her. Abby simply sticks her tongue out in response. It's humorous watching them go back and forth sticking their tongue out. They're perfect for each other in a friend way you know.

It's Friday today and school can't be going by any slower. I want to get out of this hell hole and bring my girl on a date. Every-time I look at the clock a minute has gone by. It feels like an hour but no. This teacher is extremely boring. Like nobody cares about math.

When the bell finally decides to ring I walk out of the class first. I make my way to her locker because that was the destination we agreed on. We drove her car to school today so we could do some things before the date. We'll probably just end up hanging out at the mall or something.

When I got to her locker she was there scrolling through her phone. When she heard my arrival she looked up from her phone and turned it off with a smile growing on her face. She walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"How was class?"

"It was boring. How was yours?" I say with a shrug

"Same" She lets out a little giggle after that and grabs my hand pulling me outside. "So I was thinking. Maybe we could go to the park or maybe the mall until we need to go home to get ready."

"Yeah that should work"

We walk to her car and she drives. She won't let me anywhere near the drivers seat. Every time I ask she replies with "no it's my baby" I thought I was but whatever. Or so I thought. Today she handed me the keys.

"What? I get to drive?" I say dramatically accepting the keys

"Shut up" She says rolling her eyes

I walk to the drivers seat and go to put the key in the ignition but she turns her body towards me and sits criss cross applesauce.

"What?" I ask confused

"Nothing" She replies shrugging her shoulders. I give her a pointed look because I don't believe her. "Fine. Please tell me where we're going tonightttt" She whined. She apparently hated surprises.

"Fine. Come here." A smile lit up her face and she came closer expecting to hear the secret location. Instead of telling her I leaned in and kissed her. She was shocked at first because that wasn't what she was expecting but she kissed me back nonetheless.

It started out as a kiss but eventually as our kisses usually end it becomes a make out session in her car. When the kiss becomes more heated and passionate I pull her onto my lap to where she is straddling me. Her arms are around my neck and her fingers in my hair. I lick her bottom lip asking for permission to put my tongue in her mouth. Her being the stubborn motherfucker she is didn't grant it. To get her to open her mouth I squeeze her ass and she gasps. I take that opportunity to put my tongue in her mouth. This time she joins in on it and now it's a full in make out session.

I kiss along her jaw and to her neck. She stretches her neck back giving me more access to it. I bite down gently and suck on her neck most likely leaving a mark. I go back up to her lips and start kissing her again.She goes to lean back forgetting that the steering wheel is behind her and she accidentally honks the horn. She jumps and separates her lips from mine. I will never get used to that. She is an amazing kisser and I will forever be dazed when we kiss. I'm so fucking lucky to be able to call her mine.

She starts laughing at herself and starts to climb off of me. I let her because we really should go. When she sits down she's still laughing at herself which makes me start laughing. Then we are both laughing which makes us laugh harder and now we look like idiots laughing in a car.

When we finally sober up from laughing I start the car. I start to drive to the mall when she interrupts me. "Can we just go to my house?"

"Yeah of course" So instead of the mall we go to her house. No one else is home so we have the house to ourselves. We still have a few hours before we need to leave for the dinner reservation so we sit on the couch.

She picks a movie and then snuggles into my side. I lay down so it's more comfortable for her and she lays her head on my chest. She sighs in satisfaction.

Halfway through the movie I notice she's gone still and her breathing has slowed. I bend my neck in a way that wouldn't move the rest of my body so she wouldn't wake up. I look at her face and indeed she is sleeping. She looks so peaceful and cute. Her sleeping face is probably the most adorable thing i've ever seen. Her eyes are closed and her lips are slightly parted. Her cheek is squished against my chest and a few hair strands fall in front of her face. I lifted my hand and gently move the hair strands behind her ear.

She stirs a bit but doesn't wake up. I cup her cheek and just admire what is now mine. I'll let her sleep for a little bit and then i'll wake her up to get ready. She needs rest and i'm not gonna be the one to take it away from her.


hey shawties.

The book is almost over !! I can't believe it. I hope you've enjoyed the book so far.

Have a good day/ night. Love you guys!

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