chapter 29

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Abby's Pov


I fell asleep cuddling him. I mean I knew I fell asleep cuddling him but I expected him to leave. I expected him to wake up and leave but no, he's still here. Now i'm awake while he's asleep and I'm trapped in his arms. I'm silently freaking out. I looked up at his face and he looked so peaceful it was cute.

"It's rude to stare" I flinched "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" He laughs while finally opening his eyes and smiles down at me "Good morning"

I cleared my throat "Good morning" I go to sit up and take the covers off of me. "We need to go before we are late" I started rushing around my room while Johnny just sat on my bed watching me. "Are you gonna get up?"

"Nah, I think i'm good" I roll my eyes at him and get back to getting ready. He gets up despite what he just said. "I gotta go get my clothes from my house. I'll be back" And then he walked away. I heard the front door open and close. I continued to get ready.

10 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I went to open it because I knew it was Johnny. "We're gonna miss the bus" he points behind him.

"Fuck" I said under my breath. I ran to my room and put my shoes on. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs grabbing his arm and pulling him with me. He started laughing but I ignored him because I don't have time for this. The bus pulled up right as we go to the stop. "You're lucky we made it"

We walked onto the bus and sat down. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. School happens too early in the morning.

When we got to the school Sierra, Maddy, and Dylan were waiting for me at the doors. "Hey guys"

"Hey" They all said in unison

We all start walking into the school. We all hangout beside Sierra's locker and talk about random stuff that doesn't matter. I left the locker so I could go to mine and not be late to class.

I was walking to class and I suddenly felt a hand grasp mine. I look over expecting it to be Johnny but.. it's not. It's none other than Sam. Kill me now.

"Sam? What are you doing?" He looks down at me and smirks. I take my hand out of his and look straight. I try to ignore his presence but he won't let me.

"Abby I can't do this anymore" What?

"What do you mean"

"I can't act like we're just friends." Here we go. I grab his arm and pull him to the side to talk.


"I can't act like we're just friends Abigail. I can feel the connection. We belong together. Stop fighting it, Abby."

"Sam stop. We aren't meant to be. I'm not single, i'm with Johnny"

"Johnny" He scoffed "Forget about Johnny. You don't love him. You love me"

"Actually I do. I love Johnny. Not you." I don't think I'm lying. I think I am actually in love with Johnny. Fuck.

"How? How could you possible love that, that dumbass. He's not good for you. He doesn't know how to do relationships. Come on Abby. Stop playing yourself you'll just end up hurt."

"No Sam. You're wrong. I do love him and he does know how to be in a relationship. You don't though. You see woman as objects and I will not be another toy to you."

"Fine. Have it your way but when you get hurt don't come crawling to me. I won't be there." He walked away after that. I could finally breath. That doesn't last long though because I realized what I have done. I admitted to Sam and to myself that I am in love with Johnny.


After school I didn't know how to act around him. I felt like everything I did made it obvious I liked him. It's all so weird now. For me anyway. I can't handle these feelings. Life would be easier without them.

"Are you okay?" Oh no. He knows.

"Yea.. Fine" He looked at me with the look that said 'I know you're not fine tell me' How do I tell him though? "Seriously I'm fine."

"No you're not. You've been acting weird."

"Okay fine. Sam talked to me. Said some shit. Got in my head."

"Like what?" His jaw was clenched and his hands were in fists.

"Well he came up to me confessing his feeling and how we're 'destined to be together' but I said no and he said stuff about you" His jaw ticked. He's pissed

"He said y'all were destined for each other?" He scoffed at the end of the sentence

"Yea" my voice was small. I feel bad. I don't know what to do.

"oh god not again."


"How am I supposed to fucking compete with him?" What? "He's the new guy. He's hot. He's everything you'd want. How am I supposed to win?"

"Because I don't want him Johnny. Why are you doubting this now. Are you jealous?" He scoffed at that

"Of course i'm fucking jealous Abby! Can you not see that i'm fucking in love with you?" My eyes almost fell out of my head

"You're what?"

"I love you" his voice was calmer than before

"You love me?" A smile was forming on my face and I looked up at him. He saw my smile and he started smiling too. He nodded his head and I started walking towards him. Instead of going for a kiss I ran into his arms for a hug. My head against his neck. I mumbled "I love you too" He laughed and squeezed me tighter.

I pulled my head from his neck and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were flickering from my eyes to my lips. He placed his lips on mine and we stayed there for minute or two.

We definitely won't be perfect and we'll have some problems but we're both willing to try. For each other.


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