chapter 9

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Abby's pov

"What?!?" Sierra screamed

"Josh. he's coming over. tomorrow."

"Oh. My. God. Abby!!!" Maddy yells

I don't know the big deal. I mean yes I do but I can't show that it's a big deal. I'm not that obsessed. yes I am. buttt they can't know that.

"It's not a big deal" I say with a shrug

"Ok shut up we know you freaked out when y'all planned that. You're prob freaking out internally right now. We're your besties for the resties don't hide your fan girl moments."

What an inspiration speech

"Ok fine. I'm totally freaking out! And he's the one who asked to hangout this time!! And he suggested it was here!! It was all his idea and I am so totally freaking out!" I say all in one breath.

Felt good to scream that.

"He asked you?!??"


We fan girled for like 30 minutes before giving our attention to the hot guy on the screen. Dylan O'Brien obvi. We had restarted Teen Wolf a few months ago and haven't been able to watch it much so we're only on season 3. We're on the part where the bugs come out of the dude named Barrow.

After a few more episodes we turned it off and baked some brownies because we were hungry. While we baked we gossiped. We also talked about what i'm gonna be doing with Josh tomorrow. And.. what they want to happen. Which you can guess what that is.

It was getting closer to when we start settling down for bed. The girls are sleeping over but they are gonna be gone by 1 so I can get ready for the study date with Josh. I'm so excited. Anything can come out if this. And I know i'm getting my hopes up because he keeps posting with Becca but... maybe they aren't dating. It could be for popularity points.

I showered tonight so I wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning. So I can't take my sweet sweet time setting up. It has to be perfect. And I like to procrastinate. So it takes longer. Don't comment on it. Leave me alone.


I woke up very early for what reason. I think we all know but I'm not admitting it. While I wait for my very lovely friends to wake up I scroll through instagram. People posted. Nobody I preferably care about but they posted. Johnathan posted and reminded me that I follow him. I totally forgot. Why do I follow him?

My thoughts were quickly cut off when maddy and Sierra woke up. We all sit there on our phones for a little bit because at sleepovers girls don't talk for like the first hour of waking up. We just stay quiet and scroll through social media. It's normal. As far as I know.

It was getting close to 12 o'clock so we actually did something before they left. We played a little on the Nintendo switch. Yes I have a Nintendo switch. Leave. Me. Alone. Let me live my life. We played some Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. I won a lot of the games we played. I know. I'm amazing what can I say. Ok all jokes aside I'm not.

It was 1 o'clock so Maddy and Siri (sierra) were leaving. After they left the house I started getting ready. Like setting up my books in a specific order. Setting the brownies on the plate so he knows he can have them. It was around 1:30 when I got a message.

Ur hot partner😵‍💫

J: Hey partner on my way. hope it's ok that i'll be there early.

What?! no i'm not ready. Abby. stay calm. stay calm.

A: Yep perfectly fine. drive safe:)

J: Will do. See you soon ;)

At this point i'm rushing around the house trying to finish what I had started to do. This is why I need to do things in a timely manner. So i'm prepared for things that could come up. I'm so stupid. What if i'm not ready when he gets here and he thinks badly about it. I'm panicking. Abby calm down. everything will be fine.

I quickly change into a red crop and grey sweats. Cute but comfy. I put my hair in a messy bun and pulled some loose strands of hair out. Then to finish off the look I put my glasses on. I look good. Not many minutes later I hear the doorbell ring. He's here. I run down the stairs and then slowly walk to act like I didn't just run to the door.

I open the door and there he is. Josh.

"Hey Abs" he said with a smile

"Hey Josh. Come on in" I say returning the smile

He walks in and kinda just stands there. That's when I remember he's never been here. He doesn't know where to go.

"Uh.. we can either study in the living room, the kitchen, or my room. You can pick"

"Um your room sounds good..?" he says more as a question than an answer

"Okay. Follow me then"

We walk up to my room and he sits on my bed. Meaning I have to sit in my office chair. We kinda just sit there for a moment before he breaks the silence.

"So you got your book?"

"huh oh yea it's right here" I point across from me


We open up our books and then grab our notebooks. We had a tiny discussion about what we wanna add to our little paragraph thing and what we should take out. We decided on the point of view it was gonna be in. 1st person descriptive pov. It's gonna be great.

After we wrote a little of the paragraph we took a break and talked about ourselves. We asked each other questions and learned a little about each other. Honestly there's a lot of things I didn't even know happened to Josh. He has been to juvie. juvie. what have I gotten myself into. He said it wasn't his fault but I don't know.

He said a few other things that stuck out to me. A lot of things I didn't expect. It really made me think. I know I like him but is he worth it kind of things. He's a heartbreaker and I didn't even know. He's been with the whole cheerleading squad. And has been with Becca like 3 different time. This year. Why he told me I don't know. But he could've changed you know. People change. right?

After a few hours he said he had to run so he left. Then I was alone. Again.

Side hoe CiCi😍💃 and Side chick Maddy🥴🤤

A: Josh was here. He just left.


A: I learned... a lot

S: We are calling and your telling me everything

M: Yes. Spill. All. Of. It.

Well didn't take much to get them interested. They called me and we talked all about it. I told them everything he told me about himself. He probably didn't want me telling anyone but my best friends don't count. I'm obvi gonna tell them. They said I should stay away from him but honestly I think I still like him. I mean just cause he went to juvie doesn't mean anything. right? he could've changed. I hope he changed.

2 chapter in one week 😱 no way

anyways idk if this chapter is good but I tried. lemme know in the comments. if you enjoyed don't forget to vote 💃

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