chapter 11

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Abby's pov

I honestly have no idea what i'm going to do. Josh is giving me mixed signs. I can't find anything to wear. and i'm fucking hungry. Why can't a girl have an easy life. Why can't periods come and go without causing pain.

It's been a few weeks since our study date and I can't think anymore. Mom got home a few days ago. Thank the Lord Almighty.

I have approximately 5 minutes before my bus pulls around. What am I doing right now. Sitting on my closet floor crying. Yes. Crying.

"Abby what are you doing! Get down here!"

I didn't answer her because she wouldn't hear me anyway. She'll eventually come up here. Then she'll feel bad and drive me to school later.

"Abb- Oh honey why are you crying"

"I have nothing to wear! and i'm hungry and I'm in pain!"

"Honey here" she hands me a cute outfit

"Get dressed and i'll make you some breakfast. I'll put pills by your water and i'll bring you to school after."

"Thank you" I mumbled

She walked out of my closet and closed my door. I really got lucky with my mom she's always been there for my crazy breakdowns. She doesn't seem to mind. And if she does she doesn't show it.

After I got dressed in the outfit my mother picked out, ripped jeans and a crop, I made my way to the kitchen. She made waffles. I love waffles. I ate in silence immediately feeling better. After I ate my food I put on my black high top converse and took my pill.

I grabbed my bag when my mother said it was time to go. I walked out the front door and climbed into the passenger seat of my moms BMW. She came out of the door shortly after and got into the drivers seat. On the way to school she pulled into the Starbucks drive through and got me my usual.

"Thank you mom. seriously you're the best."

"You're welcome hon"

We were only a few minutes from the school and I was dreading walking into first period late. Maybe i'll just skip till second period. I got pulled from my thoughts when my phone buzzed.

Ur hot partner🥴

J: Hey, wya?

A: Gonna be a little late

J: Okay cool. everything ok?

A: Just peachy😁

J: Okay great:) see you later

My heart can't handle this. He has to like me. Right? I'll just go with the flow. Wait for him to make the first move.

My mom pulled into the school parking lot and told me the wisest words known to man.

"Have fun. Don't die. Remember I love you. Be safe."

"I won't. I won't. I will. I love you too. I will" I replied answering to everything she said because why not

She just rolled her eyes at me and unlocked the car. I stepped out and made my way into the building. The halls were vacant except for the few people skipping class. I decided that I shall go to class. Only to see Josh.

I walk in and immediately everyone turns their head on my direction. Looking right at me. Did anyone ever tell them staring is rude?

"Oh. Abby. How nice of you to join us." Mr. Reyes says in an annoyed tone

"Hi Mr. Reyes. Sorry I'm late. Girl problems." I say with a nervous laugh

With that he nodded and looked away. Works like a charm. I made my way to the back of the classroom when I saw Josh waving me over to sit by him. Hm Becca usually sits there. Eh fine by me Joshy here I come.

"Hey" he whispers over to me

"Hey" I whisper back

"Everything alright?"

"Yep perfectly fine" I say with a thumbs up

Mr. Reyes goes on with his lesson like I never interrupted it. I honestly have no idea what we're doing in this class. But it's also like I do know. you know? Like you don't know what's going on but you also do. That's math in about 10 words.

After the bell rings Josh walked me to my second period class.

"Hey Abby I have a question I need to ask you. Meet me at lunch in the gym" He says with a smile and then walks away

OMG what is he going to ask me? Is he finally gonna ask me out?? Oh my lord I can't take this any longer.

Josh Pov

I have the plan set up. I'm asking Abby to be my girlfriend today. I'm already behind schedule. It's been like 3 weeks since our last study date. I need to get this show on the road.

My plan is to set up a scene in the gym and act like i've thought about this idea for ages when in reality I got it off of google. I'm gonna have a sign and then a picnic will be set up in the middle of the gym.

There's no way she can say no to this proposal. Who could say no to my face? Not Abby that's for sure. I have her wrapped around my finger. She would never say no to me.

Abby's pov

Second period came and went. Johnathan was extra annoying today. Except today he kept asking about Josh and what's going on. I told him he shouldn't care and I walked away. No like seriously he shouldn't care. He never has. He just likes to be annoying.

I only had one more period till lunch. Well technically lunch was this period but i have C lunch so I have to wait. I also have Johnny boy in this class. yippee. I can't wait for lunch. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. What is Josh gonna ask me?

When the lunch bell rang I jumped out of my seat. I needed to get to the gym. I needed to know this question.

"Where are we going?" Johnathan asked me

"not anywhere with you" I say with fake enthusiasm

"You hurt me Richards. Why must you hurt me in this way" He says with sarcasm

"I apologize but I have somewhere to be. byeeee" I then zoomed off away from the disease that was standing next to me.

I walk into the gym and I am frozen in place. Josh is standing in the middle of the gym in front of a blanket placed on the ground. A picnic. And he's holding a sign. The sign says "Abigail Richards will you be my girlfriend?"



bro I was so bored I gave y'all 2 chapters in one day. you're very much welcome.

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