Chapter 1

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Clary's pov

I was hanging out with Simon, Aria and Maureen when someone bumped into me. 

"Hey can you watch where you are going?" I said 

He had blond hair. He stared into my eyes for a second before replying. 

"You can see me?" He said

Does he think I am blind? Of course I can see him. It is not like he is invisible. Aria walked over and looked at me.

"What is going on?" She said and looked at him

He looked at her and they couldn't stop looking at each other in awe. I was so confused.

Eight hours earlier...............................

I had my art folder in my hand and walked to the building.

"You got this" I said and fixed my jacket before walking into the building.

Brooklyn Academy of Art, I do hope I get in.

I sighed and walked in to the hall. 

"Hi" I breathed out and put my bag down sitting down on the chair.

"I'm Clary Fray" I said

I pulled out my pictures and gave it them to them.

"This landscape is very... decorative." The lady said

I breathed out heavily.

"Well, I wasn't really going for decorative, exactly" I said 

"What are those?" She said and grabbed my art book

"Oh, those. Nothing, just, um... some ideas for a graphic novel I'm drawing with a friend. Really, it's just there by mistake" I stuttered out

"The Brooklyn Academy of Art doesn't believe in mistakes" She said


I am gonna trick them. I took my stuff and met up with my best friends and sister Aria and Simon. 

"Give me the professors' names and I... I will end them" Simon said

I really fancy Simon and I do not know what to do about it. Ever since it has turned my 18th birthday today along with Aria, I see Simon in a whole different way. I just feel like I cannot breathe without him like he is my other half.

Aria gave me a hug. 

"It will be ok Clary" She said and smiled

"Thanks Aria" I said and smiled and hugged her back

Aria was more on the shy side but Simon and I loved her to pieces.

I stared at him. I was kind of jealous she was hugging him but I knew she did not mean anything by it.

"You know, with... with a scathing e-mail to the dean" He said

Aria quietly laughed drinking her coffee.

"Don't bother" I said

And handed him the letter. Aria was sat next to him and cuddled him as they read the letter. Aria was my sister. But her and Simon were close just like her and I. But we looked completely different. While she had dark brown, long curly hair and tan fair skin with big brown doe eyes, I had bright orange hair with green eyes and fair skin. But you could see we were sisters.

"What" He said

"Sad face? Really?" He said 

"I am so happy for you Clary" Aria said and smiled holding my hand squeezing gently and I squeezed it back smiling

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