Chapter 6

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Luke's pov

I watched as that witch went to attack a warlock. She followed him while he was distracted.

"Where's Magnus Bane?" She said to him and I pushed her off

"Keep moving warlock" I said to him and pushed her against the car

"Now, what were you going to do with that warlock?" I said to her

"Is that part of Valentine's plan now huh?" I said

"Humans, now warlocks?" I said

"You're nothing but a traitor" She said

"A disgrace to the Circle" She said

I pushed her against the roof of the car.

"The only disgrace is that there's a Circle at all" I said

"But I hear that your membership is dwindling" I said mocking her

"You killed Konrad. I know it" She said

"I didn't have the pleasure" I said

"You can blame your allegiance to Valentine for that" I said

"Now, let's make a deal" I said

"You're gonna tell me some secrets and I'll make sure that you don't end up in the morgue like your boyfriend, Konrad" I said

She attacked me and I hit her back. She threw me against the car and the car started beeping loudly. She pinned me against the car and went to stab me. I shifted into my wolf and bit out her gland and killed her. I have to find Clary and my daughter Aria before its too late. I also need to tell her about her being a wolf or this could end badly.

Aria's pov

We finally arrived at the training room.

"Who is that guy?" Clary said

"That's Hodge Starkweather, our weapons trainer" Jace said

"And, more important for us, a former Circle member" Jace said

"After the uprising, Hodge, repented and he was sent to live and work here and make amends. But he's forbidden to ever leave the institute." Jace said

We watched them fight over and over and then Hodge chop the weapon in half. We walked over and he put his shirt on. He looked at us.

"Jocelyn" He said to Clary

Then he looked at me.

"You have her height and lips" He said

"I am Aria Fairchild and this is my sister Clary Fairhchild. Our mother is Jocelyn Fray" I said

"Well, she was Jocelyn Fairchild when I knew her" He said

"You knew our mother?" Clary said

"And she was one of my best friends" Hodge said

"She has been kidnapped" Clary said

"By someone called Valentine and his men" I said

"By the Circle, Hodge" Jace said

"But that's impossible" He said

"Valentine's dead and the Circle died with him" He said

He started choking.

"What's happening?" Clary said

"I swore a vow to never speak of what we did" He said

"This is the Clave's way of making sure I keep that vow" He said

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