Chapter 4

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Clary's pov

She fainted and he caught her in his arms. He carried Aria in his arms and held her closely to him looking lovey dovey at her. Why was he looking at my sister like that? I was being protective. I miss Simon so much.

"I got you" He said to her

"I finally found you and I am never leaving you" He whispered

But I still heard him.

What was he talking about?

I intend to find out.


Aria's pov

I was having a nice dream and then I started mumbling and my necklace started glowing and I felt strange. Then I woke up and bumped heads with someone.

"Ow" She said

I woke up properly and groaned in bed. Hopefully all of that was a bad dream and mum was going to walk in and say it was time for us to get up. I woke up and realised this is all true. I looked around and saw a beautiful dark headed angel in front of me. She was staring at me and I was staring back at her, she was beautiful. I had the same feeling that I felt with Jace. It felt like we were the only people in this room and she smiled at me and it made me feel weak in the knees even if I was laying down. She brushed against my hand and I felt the familiar sparks I felt with Jace. Fireworks ignited in my stomach.

Someone coughed and I saw Clary and she hugged me.

"I am so glad you are alright" She said to me

I hugged her back lightly.

"Me too, I am glad you are okay too" I said and smiled

"I finally found you" She said and hugged me

"What are you?-

"Shh all in good time beautiful" She said

I hid my red cheeks as she pulled back.

"You are so beautiful" She said

I blushed even harder and she laughed.

"Thank you" I whispered back

"What's wrong with you people flirting with my sister?" Clary said

The beautiful girl ignored her.

I chuckled a little.

"We don't know who you are-

Clary started.

"I'm Isabelle" She said staring at me

"I now know why Jace was so distracted by you" She said to me and smirked

"But you are pretty too" Isabelle said to Clary

I felt jealous when she complemented Clary. I did not like it one bit. Why am I feeling like this?

Isabelle seemed to notice as she winked at me and yet again I blushed and moved closer to Clary. She looked hurt for a minute before she covered it up with a smirk.

"What's your name?" She said to Clary

"Clary. Clary Fray" She said

Then she looked at me and smiled with a loving look in her eyes.

"And you? What is your name beautiful?" She said

"Aria. Aria Fray" I said

She sighed happily.

"Perfect" She said

"We are twins" I said

"You do not look like twins" She said

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