Chapter 12

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Dot's pov

I was still stuck in this awful cage, jail, cell whatever. I had to get out. My hands were chained behind my back. I saw Jocelyn and she was still unconscious. I used all my strength to muster up some magic and finally broke the chains. I winced getting my hands out, breathing heavily. I used all my strength to get the lock off my cage.

I strained using all my strength. The lock rattled against the metal, cold bars for a few seconds before I finally broke it off. I was breathing heavily. I looked around and breathed and panted. I pushed the gate open and crawled towards the desk.

I stood myself up stumbling.

"Jocelyn" I whispered

"Jocelyn, I know you can hear me" I said

"Clary is fine. Aria is fine" I said

"They are so brave and so strong" I said breathing heavily again

"And they won't let Valentine or Amani win" I said

"I am so sorry" I said

All of a sudden, I was attacked by a Circle member. He pushed me onto the table and smashed the contented glass and I grunted trying to push him off.

"Magic a little rusty, warlock?" He said

I struggled underneath him

"Should have learnt how to fight like the rest of us" He said

I grabbed a random syringe underneath me and stuck it in his neck. He fell to the floor shaking. I fell with him sobbing and crawling away with any strength I had left.

I heard Valentine behind me.

"You were a loyal follower, a brilliant soldier." He said to the Circle member

I kept crawling away as far and as fast as I could.

"I won't forget your sacrifice" He said

"You were right warlock, I was never going to let you go" He said

"Hey, having all the fun without me?" I heard Amani

"Never, would you like to do the honors?" He said and handed something to her as I kept crawling

"Gladly" She chuckled coldly

She grabbed me harshly and I screamed in pain.

Alec's pov

I won't admit it to anyone but I am worried. I really hope Aria is ok. I really hope she is safe and will come back to me like she promised. I just met her, I don't want to lose her. I can't. I won't. I don't know what I would do. Yes we have just met but our bond is already so strong. Some bonds are so strong you can feel each other's emotions or if they are in pain. I haven't felt any of her emotions yet. But I need her to come back. So I patiently waited for her, to see her beautiful face and that soft smile of hers.

They walked out and I didn't see Aria. They looked like they had bad news, I went to panic. When she walked out. She walked straight towards me. I breathed in relief. She smiled. I didn't waste time wrapping my arms around her and she wrapped hers around my waist. She snuggled her head in my chest. I breathed in taking her scent and she took in mine. I smiled softly.

"I missed you" I whispered

"I missed you too" She said and smiled

"I was so worried about you" I whispered

"I told you I would come back. I promised you" She said

"I could never leave you" She said

"I don't want you too" I said

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