Chapter 2

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Isabella's pov

"This is what our targets look like" Jace said

"For now" I said

"Great. I'll get approval for the mission." Alec said

"Come on, Alec" I said

"By the time you've sent that message, we'll have killed six demons" Jace said as we followed him

"Besides, it's more fun to break the rules than to follow them" I said

Aria's pov

Clary and I watched as Simon sang his song and Clary looked at him the whole time with love in her eyes and Simon looked straight back at her with the same look. It is almost as if they were made for each other. I saw Maureen staring at Simon but he was only focused on Clary and Clary was focused on him, like they were the only two in the room, like soulmates.


"Thanks for being our roadie" Maureen said

"Yeah, and thank you for being our artists in residence" Simon said to us both

Simon took off his shirt and Maureen stared and I saw Clary glare at her for a second. Was she jealous??? Now I definitely know she likes him. Clary breathed in and bit her lip and smiled and Simon flirtily and he looked up and met her intense gaze and smiled and blushed.

I felt bad for Maureen but it is almost as if Simon and Clary were made for each other.

"So, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema" Clary said pulling her attention away and distracting herself

I am going to tease her about it later.

They both laughed.

"What were we thinking, right?" Maureen said

"But now..." Simon said

"We're Rock Solid Panda." He said

"Yeah, we are." Maureen said

I could see Clary clenching her jaw slightly at Maureen or at the thought of them together or anything more than friends.

"Rock Solid Panda, coming up. I am feeling inspired" Clary said and walked round to the front of the van grabbing a can of paint

I followed them. Simon finally switched his shirt.

"Paint" Maureen said as he walked round

"Paint" He said and went back round to grab it

"Want to help me Aria?" She said to me

"Sure" I said and smiled

I helped her spray paint the van and I ended up drawing this weird symbol with her. We finally finished and admired her work.

"What's that tag?" Simon said

"Weird. Aria and I were drawing it, we didn't even mean to I think" She said

"Second time today for both of us" I said

"You know they have confirmed cases of people waking up in the morning speaking French, and they never even studied the language." Maureen said

"Do you think that's some type of language?" I said

"Sanskrit maybe" She said

Clary was just standing by me when someone bumped into me.

"Hey, can you watch where you are going?" I heard Clary say from a few feet away

It is weird because I can hear things from miles away ever since it turned my 18th today and see things so much better in so much detail.

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