Chapter 5

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Aria's pov

I walked close to Clary as we left the room with Jace and made our way down to Simon.

"I saw something behind your friend" Jace said

"What?" I said

"What did you see?" Clary said

Jace moved and stood next to me as we kept walking.

"You are not going to kill Simon are you?" Clary said worried

"Protect the humans, kill the demons. You'll get it eventually" Jace said

Jace opened the door and we walked out. We saw Simon.

"So, why can't Simon see you?" Clary said to Jace

I saw him staring, lovingly and lustfully at Clary's outfit but also with relief that we were okay.

"This is a glamour, a rune that makes me invisible to mundanes" Jace said

"It's a shame, really, 'cause... well, denying them all this" He said and looked at me with a smirk

I pouted and he nudged me smiling. Clary sent a glare to him getting too close and he put his hands in the air.

"What do you have on Clary?" He said and gave her his jacket

"And Aria, oh my goodness" He said

"Let me go get my other coat in the van" He said

"No, its okay" I said and smiled

Simon hugged her so tightly and kissed her forehead and she smiled cuddling him back. Then he cuddled me too.

"I am glad you both are safe" He said and smiled

"Let me take you both home" He said

"I don't think we have one anymore" I said

"Why? What do you mean?" Simon said looking at us both

"Well..." Clary started

"Clary and Aria Fairchild" A man said from behind us

We turned around and saw Jace attacking him and them fighting each other.

We just stared at him and then started panicking and worrying, staring at them fighting.

"Clary, Aria, what are you guys looking at?" He said

"What's going on?" He said

"If you give us the girls, I'll let you live" He said to Jace

"You're in no position to be making rules" Jace said having him in a chokehold

The man headbutted Jace and I panicked.

"Jace" I said

Clary gasped in fear.

"Clary, Aria?" He said trying to spot what we were looking at

They brought out weapons and started fighting.

Jace stabbed him in the abdomen and the guy strained falling down.

"We'll never stop hunting for them" He said

"This is for my father" He said and killed him

"Jace!" I said and ran over to him

"Excuse me?" Simon said

"Is he dead?" I said pointing to the man

Clary and Simon ran over and joined me. Clary stared at him and gasped.

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