Chapter 3

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Aria's pov

"Protections?" I said

"What does that even mean?" Clary said

"" I said

"You're scaring the hell out of us" Clary said raising her voice

"I know, and that's why I've put this off until the last possible minute." She said

Dot came running in.

What does Dot have to do with this?

"Jocelyn, look out the window." Dot said

"Magnus called to warn us. They found you" Dot said

"Dot, it's time" Mum said

"Mum?" Clary said scared

"What is going on?" I said

"Okay listen to me, girls you cannot be near me" She said running

"What's happening?" I said

"I got a very powerful person angry" She said

"What did you do?" I said

"I hid something from him and his followers" She said walking off to get something

"Followers? Why can't we just call the police?" Clary the said

"The only police you need to call is Luke" Mum said and walked back over to us

She put a necklace around both of our necks.

"Keep this with you and think of me when you wear it" She said to both of us

"Mum, this is not the time for my birthday gifts" I said turning to face her

"What the hell is happening?" Clary shouted

"Only if you need it" Dot said and gave mum a bottle of some green, glowing liquid.

"Trust your instincts, you're more powerful than you know, both of you" She said and looked at us both

"Mum, I need to understand what's–

"Dot, open it" Mum said

Dot did something and this blue mist came out her hands and opened some portal.

"I did not sign up for Minecraft" I said panicking

"Or Harry Potter" I said scared

"Everything I've done, every mistake I've made was because I love you both more than words. Luke will explain everything" Mum said

"Mum, what are you doing?" I said

"He will hide you both?" She said

"Hide us?" Clary said

"From the Circle. He's the only one you can trust. Trust no one else" She said to both of us

"Mom, I don't—

"Where's Luke now?" She said

"At the police station!" I shouted panicked

"Remember I love you both so much" She said and kissed our foreheads and hugged us

"Mum" I shouted

"Mum" Clary shouted

"Mum" I shouted 

"Aria, Clary" Mum shouted as I felt us get sucked through the air

We ended up at the police station on the floor. I was so scared.

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