Chapter 8

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Jace's pov

I promised Clary I would find their mum. I promised my soulmate I would find their mum. I will not fail. I cannot fail.

"Where are you, Jocelyn Fray?" I said as I searched the computer

RESTRICTED it said, darn it.

Valentine's pov

I stood over Jocelyn's body and watched her. I need to find her daughters. I must find them. They must know where the Mortal Cup is. I was deep in thought when I saw her start to shift and then it stopped.

Maybe I was imagining it because I wanted it to happen. I breathed heavily and ran my hand down my face. Why are you always so stubborn Jocelyn? Why did you do this to yourself? Why won't you give me the Mortal Cup?

She started moving again and I breathed heavily shocked she started to move her head slightly.

Luke's pov

I am back at the station now and I had Aria and Clary's stuff with me, in my draw. I was looking through the Mortal Cup. It must be here somewhere. Then all of a sudden a stack of papers were slammed on my desk. I slammed my draw shut.

"Luke" The Captain said

I turned to see her.

"Hey" I said

"What's the story?" She said

"Uh, the story?" I said

"Uh...?" I said

What is she talking about? Did I miss something?

"With Clary and Aria" She said

"How are they doing?" She said

"You saw them?" I said very confused

"Yeah, they stopped by" She said

"They were here?" I said

She nodded her head.

"When?" I said

"I don't know" She said

"The other day, when you were interviewing those two witnesses" She said

This is not good. They probably heard what I said. I have to play it cool so she does not get suspicious.

"Oh yeah," I lied

"You know what? I had so much going on, I had Alaric take her home" I said

"But Clary and Aria, they are ok, right?" She said

"Yeah" I said

"They said they were upset about some boys but my instincts tell me there's more to the story" She said

"I wouldn't worry about that" I said and chuckled

My daughter better not have a boyfriend.

"You know guys that age, they're idiots" I said

"Just that age?" She said

I laughed.

"Well, some of us transform ourselves and hide the idiot within." I said

"Well, if I ever had a daughter...I'd be running a background check on every boy in sight" She said

"Ah, that's some sound police work, Captain" I said

She nodded and walked off.

Aria's pov

"This is the least revealing thing you have?" Clary said at her outfit.

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