Chapter 10

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Luke's pov

I was sat at my desk reading through some paperwork when I saw the Captain walking towards my desk. She looked serious. I quickly put the paper on my desk and shut the drawer.

"Got this from the shift commander" She said and placed the tablet in front of me

She showed me pictures of a dead body. She swiped through the pictures.

"One of your witnesses turned up dead outside an abandoned church. Then there is this another witness of yours winds up dead inside a parking garage." She said

"Look, I don't know what tore into this woman, and I really don't know what happened to that car." She said

"Looks like the demonic murder crew's taking out their witnesses one by one." I said

"You sure that's all this is?" She said

"Oh, come on, Captain. You've got no reason to doubt me" I said

"Don't give me one" She said and walked off

Alaric walked over and stared at me.

"You're supposed to stay under the radar" He said

"It was self-defence" I said

"You know I'm on the right side of things." I said

"I know that. I'm not sure our friends agree" Alaric said

"If you wanna smooth things over, I suggest you find Aria and Clary soon...or they will" He said

He walked off

"I will" I said

"No one knows them better than I do" I said

Aria's pov

We walked down the stairs and down the cold, dark, eerie hallway. Jace breathed in heavily. I inhaled and he held my hand reassuring me it would be ok.

We could hear the water trickling down and the bats chittering in the dark hallways and blackness of the night. We continued walking. He stopped as something glowed in his hand.

"What's that?" I said

"It's Witchlight" He said

"We carry it around with us to remind us that light can be found even in the darkest of places" He said

"And it's cooler than a flashlight" He said

I admired his handsome features in the dark. The light brought them out.

"Here" He said and handed it to me and pointed

We walked towards a statue.

"Is that supposed to be the Mortal Cup?" Clary said

"Yeah" Jace said

"What's that saying?" I said pointing my light towards the writing

"It's the Shadowhunters creed" Jace said

"Looking better in black then the widows of our memories" He read out

"My Latin is pretty rusty but I am pretty sure that's not what that says" I said

"For Shadowhunters the descent into hell is easy" He read out

"That should be a postcard" I said

"It's this way" He said and pointed

We continued walking down the halls and corridors. He took the Witchlight off me turned a corner.

"I'm sorry" Clary said

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