In which, Freddy has been in love with his best friend since University and has had to watch her with others.
❝Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.❞
Or in which Amy has had too many unhealthy relationships than what she deserves and r...
December Second: Homemade hot chocolates and mistletoe.
December Third: Binge all the home alone movies and mistletoe.
December fourth: mistletoe and...
"Look what I've just got!" Freddy announced his entrance as he walked through their hotel room door. Amy was laid on the sofa watching a Hungarian Christmas movie, she had to push herself up to see to him properly. "I wondered where you disappeared to," only now did she process the box in his hand, "what have you got there?"
"Come look," Freddy taunted. Amy rolled her eyes playfully as she got up off the sofa and walked towards the kitchen. She leant against the kitchen island and waited for Freddy to turn around, when he did he placed a decorative cardboard box on the island.
Amy couldn't help but smile as she looked at it, build and decorate your own gingerbread house. But for Freddy it read építsd és díszítsd saját mézeskalács házad. He'd simply looked at the pictures on the box and assumed it was what he thought it was, and it was.
The shared laughs as they opened the box and sorted out the pieces, while Amy filled different bowls with different sweets Freddy made the icing. They groaned in frustration each time a wall fell as they started to build the house, it was even worse with the roof. When all was put together they didn't dare move, the fear of it collapsing due to them moving a muscle. When they realised it was safe they got to the decorating. Amy accused Freddy several times of eating more sweets than what he was putting on the house.
AmytheWittyupdated her story!
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(song is Holly jolly Christmas by Micheal Buble)
Once they'd tided the kitchen Freddy sat down on the sofa and Amy laid across it with her head in his lap facing upwards. She had her eyes closed when she heard the sound of a camera click, Amy opened her eyes and smiled when she saw his camera above her face - he took a photo of that too as well as one of her laughing and one of her with her tounge out. Amy closed her eyes again and Freddy couldn't help but look down at her in awe.
There is a place of peace and of joy in this world that's away from loneliness and pain, Freddy believed that place was next to her.
Amy never did believe him when he said she's the most beautiful woman in the world, he only begged she'd believe him when he says that she's the most prettiest thing his eyes have ever seen.
Freddy had just started carding his fingers through her hair when there was a loud knock at the door followed by a rumble of low laughter. "What the!" Amy shrieked as her eyes flew open and she sat up.
"Surprise lads night Freddy!" Ben called through the door, followed by the continuous chant from Archie, Kit and Callum, "lads! Lads! Lads! Lads! Lads! Lads!"